Ian wrote:The snow on the driveway was only 10-12" deep.. until you got to the end where the plow deposited a 2' wall of solid ice/snow. It took forever for the snowblower to chew through that.
despise plows that dump all the snow at the foot of my driveway too! A
major pain the ass!
As per Spaz's photos, while it's no picnic to drive in the snow, if I have to do it, I prefer other cars' tires having carved a path for me to drive through. The first picture looks decent, the second is getting a little uglier.
Usually, around intersections, the snow clumps a bit from cars turning left and right. Already this winter, I slid off the road into a ditch because of this clumping effect. Luckily, my car only ended up halfway in a ditch, not all the way in. No damage was done to me or my car, but I did need to call a tow truck. If anything, I thought the winch on the tow truck was going to damage my car more than sliding into the ditch! Man, those things are powerful! If I had a Dodge Ram 1500, 4x4 with 8,000 lb. winches, as Slim mentioned, I probably could've pulled myself out!

No, I like women.