Imation 16x DVD-R (MBI 01RG40) made in IndiaBurned with Samsung LG GSA-H22N 1.01 @16x
------[burn time 5:36]Tested in BenQ DW800 B2L7
------------BenQ DW1655 BCIB
------ ---@8x
------------BenQ DW1650 BCIC
------ ---@8x
------------Samsung SH-S182M SB03
------------Lite-On SHM-165H6S HS0E
------------Edit 15th February - QScan added
------BenQ DW800
---0---------------BenQ DW1655
---0-------------BenQ DW1650
---0--------------Samsung SH-S182M
--Lite-On SHM-165H6S
--0-------------KProbe v2.5.2
--------------QSuite v2.1 QScan
Yet more media the LG can't deal with - though in fairness, none of my other burners can give a good burn to it. It surely has to be a firmware thing, since the first 1GB is quite respectable.