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Sources for BenQ writers

Postby bill on Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:13 am

Because the BenQ DW1640, DW1650 and DW1655 drives are scarce, or may become scarce, I thought it would be informative to list possible sources for those drives.

@ Weetoots

I think you have a CompUSA on the island..

You could try a Norwood drive. In the past they packaged the 1640 and 1650. The BenQ model number is listed just above the SKU.

I/O magic and HI-VAL are two additional options but you will have to open the box to be certain of what's inside.

Can anyone add sources?
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Postby Ian on Sat Aug 26, 2006 12:40 pm

This should probably be in the DVD writer section of the forum but I'll leave it here for now as long as its good deals on BenQ drives. :wink:

I believe Norwood drives are still BenQ. CompUSA's own brand were too but I've noticed that the last few shipments have been Lite-On. You can also check these by looking above the SKU.

Does Circuit City still carry BenQ drives? If I remember right, they were one of the few stores selling retail BenQ drives.
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Re: Sources for BenQ writers

Postby MonsterMan on Sat Aug 26, 2006 6:40 pm

bill wrote:Because the BenQ DW1640, DW1650 and DW1655 drives are scarce, or may become scarce

Huh? What!! :o


I love my 1655 & 1620. Do I need to order a couple for "backup" in case they die?

Aw, crap...newegg doesn't even have the 1650 :(
BenQ 1655, BenQ 1620, LG 4167, Plex PX-716SA, Samsung SH-S162L, SH-S182M, Pioneer 111D, Lite-On SHM-165H6S and 1.9TB of HDDs to feed 'em and an X2/4800 to crunch for 'em.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat Aug 26, 2006 9:23 pm

I believe BenQ plans to move away from the Optical Disc Drive market :(
Punch Cards -> Paper Tape -> Tape Drive -> 8" Floppy Diskette -> 5 1/4" Floppy Diskette -> 3 1/2" "Flippy" Diskette -> CD-R -> DVD±R -> BD-R

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Postby bill on Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:56 am

Ian wrote:This should probably be in the DVD writer section of the forum but I'll leave it here for now as long as its good deals on BenQ drives.

Hah! With the way it's going, any deal on a BenQ ( for scanning purposes alone) is going to be a good deal. :wink:
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Postby bill on Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:59 am

NCIX has the BenQ DW1650 for $43 US. Let's clean the Canadians out of their stock first.

ZipZoomFly has the
BenQ DW1650 for $39.25 with free shipping.

If you're looking for the Plextor PX-740A, TigerDirect has some in stock. $50 after $30 rebate.
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Postby Spazmogen on Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:06 pm

bill wrote:NCIX has the BenQ DW1650 for $43 US. Let's clean the Canadians out of their stock first.

ZipZoomFly has the
BenQ DW1650 for $39.25 with free shipping.

If you're looking for the Plextor PX-740A, TigerDirect has some in stock. $50 after $30 rebate.

Lets not forget about DIRECTCANADA.COM.

They stock 5 versions of Benq right now.

The DW1650 is $39.42 + shipping in CDN funds.

DirectCanada.com is a sister site of ncix.com, but usually has cheaper prices. Retail box of AMD X2 3800+ socket AM2 is going for $159 CDN right now from them. Dirt cheap...
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Postby bill on Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:51 am

Hadn't heard of DirectCanada before, nice pricing! Thanks for the tip :D

FWIW, I just checked stock at ZipZoom, twelve DW1650s are remaining.
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Postby bill on Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:46 am

Excaliber has a few 1625's remaining in stock. I bought a 1640 from them about two weeks ago and the transaction went well but shipping is a little slow.
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Postby XeoNoX on Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:39 pm

were can i find one of these rupees??
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Postby XeoNoX on Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:09 pm

wow, happened to find a benq 1655 drive and bought it today, cost me $54 total, i guess its not too bad, about $17 more than the cheapest price i ever saw.

thanks guys for all the info in the thread
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Postby ParatoOptimal on Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:41 pm

Boxes can often be opened from the bottom and resealed without causing any damage.

Many rebadged BenQ’s can be cross-flashed with BenQ firmware.
Cross-flashing voids the rebadger’s warranty.

I think it’s I/O Magic who uses a pink bag and a clear bag.
One is for rebadged BenQ’s and the other is for rebadged Lite-On’s.
I forget which is which.

CompUSA Brand = BenQ or LiteOn
Connect Computers = DW1650, DW1655 or LiteOn
I saw a black and green box “Connect Brand” rather than “Connect Computers” that I couldn’t open.
They recently had a 2-day sale for $8 US but of course there where none on the shelf late Saturday night (2nd/last day of sale) just before they closed. They teased me with a prepay to get the instant sale price AND to qualify for the rebate but then said they had already done 5 prepays which was more than they were allowed to do. Of course there were plenty available first thing Sunday afternoon when they opened.

Norwood Micro = BenQ DW1640, DW1650, DW1655
(DW# above UPC on back of box AND on the drive.)
Newer ones could be LG
I got a Norwood Micro that is a DW1650.
It comes with a tan bezzle attached and a black bezel in the box.
It also includes the analog sound cable, a "key" to open the draw anually and Nero OEM Suite.

Norwood Micro (External) = ???

Hi-Val = BenQ and other
I/O Magic = BenQ or LiteOn
[b]MadDog = LiteOn, older ones could BenQ
NEC = new boxes are Optiarc
Pacific Digital = BenQ or LiteOn (not sure)
Phillips = older ones are BenQ, not sure of newer boxes
Sony = up to mid/late 2006 are BenQ, late 2006 are Optiarc
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Postby ItalianJob on Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:15 am

In Europe/France, some Philips DVDR1660/1668 in box and BenQ are still available in local stores (Auchan, Darty, Boulanger...).

The Philips DVDR1660 is a rebadged BenQ 1650 (crossflash with Quikee BQFlasher and maybe with fw from rpc1.org). The Philips DVDR1668 can be crossflashed to BenQ 1655 (just done it fine on my new Philips 1668).
Philips DVDR1668@BenQ DW1655 BCIB
BenQ DW1620 B7W9
LG GSA-4166B (dead)
NEC ND-2510A (retired)
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Postby ItalianJob on Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:22 am

ParatoOptimal wrote:Phillips = older ones are BenQ, not sure of newer boxes

Older = Philips/BenQ
Newer = Philips/Liteon
Philips DVDR1668@BenQ DW1655 BCIB
BenQ DW1620 B7W9
LG GSA-4166B (dead)
NEC ND-2510A (retired)
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