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what do u think about NETFLIX?

Postby liteonrules on Wed Dec 15, 2004 5:06 pm

i was thinking of using the online rental service NETFLIX. I joined MVP at HOLLYWOOD VIDEO for 14.99 a month but they never have the older movies i want.
1. How fast are they after sending back the movies you have watched/burned?
2. How statisfied or not statisfied are you with the service?

i can care less about the new rentals. i just want movies i can't get at rental places.
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Re: what do u think about NETFLIX?

Postby Ian on Wed Dec 15, 2004 5:25 pm

liteonrules wrote:i can care less about the new rentals. i just want movies i can't get at rental places.

Suurrree.. You just don't want to get all embarrassed when you walk up to the counter with that adult flick. :wink: I'm totally kidding.
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no way am i embarrassed

Postby liteonrules on Wed Dec 15, 2004 6:09 pm

no way,my girl and i both went up to get some crazy porn at a store called WEST COAST VIDEO and brought it to counter with parent & two kids behind us. i could of cared less what she thought or cared if the kids saw it. but..........................i did not see any adult dvds on NETFLIX
and i don't think there is any WEST COAST VIDEO any more.
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:02 pm

I love it. They have a distro in Minneapolis, I almost always receive the DVD's shipped from Minneapolis (99% of em') the next business day, very few the 2nd business day. They usually get me out a new DVD the same day that they get back the other one, again, usually 1 business day.
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Free Trial at NetFlix

Postby steelly on Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:50 pm

NetFlix, Blockbuster online and Walmart DVD online all have free trial periods. You should try them all for free then decide for yourself!
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Postby Boba_Fett on Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:57 am

I love netflix. They recently started to get a great anime selection plus I have a distro in Salem, Oregon... which is next day shipping for me. I get around 30 rentals a month with the 3-out plan ;)
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Postby Ky_Lake on Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:24 pm

Boba_Fett, how many could you possibly get on the cheapest one dvd plan. It is like $4.95 or something per month. It is like you get it one day, ship it back the next and have another sent. Back & Forth.
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Postby Ky_Lake on Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:40 pm

Nevermind i am over at Netflix and it says the cheapest at $4.99 per month, you are limited to two dvd's per month, so this sux.

Unlimited one at a time is $9.99. It is a center in Hawaii and Alaska also. It is like 41 places they are at, Netflix and here is a map showing them.

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