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According to cymfony price ain't blu ray's biggest problem.

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According to cymfony price ain't blu ray's biggest problem.

Postby RJW on Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:14 am

While most people would expect format wars/compatability and prices to be the biggest problems when it comes to Blu RAY Vs HD-DVD.
Cymfony concludes that the biggest problem is SONY. :o
See for yourself.

So that's easy based on this I'm saying EVD (the chinese format) has a great change of having a great part of the market, because sony and the PS3 are not involved. :D
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Postby Ian on Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:27 am

Yeah, I've seen this report. Right from the start, their goal seems to be to put down Blu-ray, the PS3 and Sony. If I had to guess, its yet another "study" funded by the DVD Forum.

What many people don't consider is that Blu-ray isn't solely a Sony product. A bunch of companies worked together to develop it. Sony is just one of the biggest supporters. These days, this isn't a good thing as Sony's reputation among techies isn't that great due to them putting rootkits on their music CD's.

IMO studies like this aren't accurate either as people are also more apt to come out and say negative things, especially on the internet. Look at CD Freaks. Every time they have a news post about a Sony product, no matter what it is, a bunch of people will post that Sony sucks and that they'd never buy one of their products due to their music CD fiasco.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:52 pm

It doesn't help that at least in the past (I don't really read their news posts since the big webpage "update") CDFreaks' news posts about Sony actually INCLUDED very anti-Sony sentiments, which will of course push people in that direction.

What really bugs me with this whole anti-Sony thing happening is that I don't even *LIKE* Sony... but I find myself haven't to constantly defend them against accusations that are completely baseless from n00btards who read stupid comments on online forums and just run with them.

Also, in my opinion, Sony could fix their image dramatically if they would simply adopt the Giant Enemy Crab as their mascot. Also, market plushies.
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Postby burninfool on Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:07 am

Also according to online research more people prefer chocolate than fruit cakes.
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Postby vinnie97 on Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:29 am

Let's not forget the whole battery recall associated with the name, Sony. Another attempt at a nail in their coffin. ;) Rootkits + battery recalls + outright lies, oh my! :o
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:08 am

vinnie97 wrote:Let's not forget the whole battery recall associated with the name, Sony. Another attempt at a nail in their coffin. ;) Rootkits + battery recalls + outright lies, oh my! :o

Yeah, Sony really needs to learn to grow a sense of humour and stay out of the scandles. On the other hand, Toshiba still needs to learn how to make a proper optical drive :-?
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