For those not keeping track of my evil plans, Phase I essentially comprised of buying an upscaling DVD Player (actually a DVD Recorder, which was also used in my longevity study). Now, not owning an HDTV, or even a very recent TV in general, this meant that I would see no benefit from having this recorder as a player. So begin Phase II!
Phase II was the purchasing of a fully 1080P compliant HDTV, with which to use my upscaling DVD recorder/player. This is the phase I have just completed.... BEHOLD!!! Phase II in ALLLLLLLL it's glory!! ... 5,00.html#
46" of HDTV loving, brought to me by the good folk at Sharp. The TV stand alone ran me about $500 (but it's huge and made of real wood).
So what's Phase III you ask? Buying a PS3 so I can play all my BluRay movies in proper 1080P resolution of course! Phase III will be completed sometime around the end of the first quarter of 2007, or near the beginning of the second quarter.
I've only played with my new TV for a few hours now.... but let me just say this. Big TV's are AWESOME!!!! Tomorrow I'll hook up my Wii to it, and we'll see just how awesome things can get