by flash on Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:08 pm
Ian wrote:The local Circuit City finally got some in stock. I swung by on the way home and picked one up for about $170 after taxes (I had a coupon). I'll install it later and see if I can play back an HD DVD movie with the US version of WinDVD 8.
Hey Ian, if your looking for some great 360 gaming sites I'd suggest:
Members of both groups have gathered at Summerfest for the last 3 years running. We usually get together opening weekend.
People have come from Texas, Alabama, Illinois, Minnesota and this year should be even more!
AMD64 3800+, 1 Gig Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9000 PRO 128 MB
120GB WD SE 7200RPM, NEC 3550AG, Toshiba M1802 16X DVD etc, etc...