i guess you guys haven't hear the news.
a couple of weeks ago in Israel, 4 old people (70 and up or so) died shortly after receiveing the Flu shot. no apparent reason of death was discovered.
all vaccination in Israel was stopped while the matter was inverstigated. after a couple of days the Ministry of Health declared that no evidence was found that linked the mysterious deaths to the Flu shots.
the French company that makes the Flu shots (which are used the world over, most likely the same shots used in North America) dispatched a team of specialists to investigate. (yeah, they're terrified - if something is really wrong with the shots it's billions of $ for them!).
vaccination has resumed here but many are fearful now.
my wife won't let me take the shot.
(incidentally, i took the Flu shot every year for that last 10 years or so. except for last year, my wife was afraid i'd get the baby ill. in the end both the baby and her got the shot only i didn't
there weren't enough shots because of the Chicken-Flu hysteria. all the numbskulls who never got the shot rused to get it, not that it would help against it at all).
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the land of Mordor, where the Shadows lie
M.C. Escher - Reptilien