by agomes on Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:20 pm
I hope Maxell reconsiders this policy, as saying that they will not sell the product "for compatibility reasons" is an unbelievable argument.
I'm sure that if there is no problem in the japanese market, european users are also able to understand that the 12x discs are not compatible with 5x Max burners.
12x drives/discs don't offer only advantages, as the high rotation of the discs and the fact that only the bare discs will be available will mean a shorter life to the media - therefore, byby 100,000 writing times.
And, as the disc keeps writing on the "background" of the system a considerable number of users will not trade realiability by speed increase, and Maxell will be able to sell the "older" discs for some time yet.
BY the way, on the top of 12x it would be good to find the 5x media with no problem.