Spazmogen wrote:Now its time to tune up the snowblower.
LOL, we almost bought one about ten years ago. Glad we didn't, we haven't seen a deep snow in this area since the blizzard of 1996 dumped about 30 inches. That storm shut the state down for about two weeks.
I remember paying someone to dig out the 700 feet of driveway from a previous snow which was left piled on the edges of the drive. Then the blizzard passed through the area and we had chest high deep snow on the drive because of the drifting. Still kicking myself in the butt over that little fiasco. Overall it cost about $700 dollars for snow removal that year.
What was really nice is seeing everyone pull together to help out the elderly and emergency services workers.
This time of year we get large temperature swings of forty to fifty degrees. Today started out just above freezing and should top out close to seventy. Today's big chore will be to go cut the lawns