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Weekly ads starting 9-17-06

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Weekly ads starting 9-17-06

Postby bill on Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:35 am

Office Max

Memorex 16x DVD +or-R, 50 for $13.
Memorex 16x DVD +or-R, 100 for $10.
Yup, you read it right :lol: Ad error???

Memorex 52x CD-R, 100 for $13.

Memorex dual layer external writer, $100.

100 clear slim jewel cases, $14.

SimpleTech 80gb USB ( USB powered) external hard drive, $100.
SimpleTech 250gb USB external hard drive, $100.

Staples ( same as last week)

Sony (highspeed) CD-R, 50 for $8.
Imation CD-R, 100 for $15. Includes a free sharpie valued at, apparently, $14.
Sony DVD +or-R, 50 for $13.

Sony DRU820A, $50 after $20 rebate.

100 pack of Staples slim jewel cases, 50 are clear with the remainder being mixed colors, $15.

Maxtor 200gb PATA, $70.

Maxtor 300gb external USB hard drive, $130.
Maxtor 40gb 2.5" USB hard drive for $60.

Office Depot

Maxell 16x DVD +or-R, two 50 count spindles for $25. It's the old buy one (50 count spindle)get one free deal.
Maxell DVD+or-RW, 15 for $8. The -R=2x and the +R is 4x rated.
Office Depot labeled DVD+R DL, 25 for $40.
Office Depot labeled mini DVD-R w/ case, 10 for $15.
Sony High Speed CD-R, 100 for $13.

Rebate amounts (listed below) assume that the store price shown in the ad already reflects any instant savings..

Memorex dual layer external writer, $100 after $20 rebate.
Memorex dual layer internal writer, $50 after $20 rebate.

Maxtor 200gb PATA hard drive, $50 after a very large $60 rebate.
Western Digital 500gb My Book external hard drive w/USB interface, $200 after $50 rebate.


Best Buy

Sony DVD +or-R, 50 for $13.
Fuji CD-R, 50 for $7.
Dynex 16x DVD+or-R, 25 for $5.

Pioneer DVR-710, $50. (can cross flash to a 111)
Samsung- model SH-S182M/BSBN, $70.

Roxio Easy Media Creator, $70.

Seagate 120gb PATA, $50.
Seagate 160gb SATA, $80.

Western Digital 160gb My Book external, $90.
Western Digital 120gb Passport ( USB powered) $130.

Circuit City (skipping hard drives)

HP 16x DVD+R LightScribe, 15 for $10.
HP 52x CD-R LightScribe, 25 for $10.
TDK 16x DVD+or-R, 50 for $13.
TDK 52x CD-R, 100 for $13.

Iomagic DVD dual layer writer, $40 after $10 and $20 rebates.
Iomagic external DVD dual layer writer, $60 after $10 and $30 rebates.


Sony 8x DVD+or-R, 50 for $13.
TDK CD-R, 100 for $14.

Western 250gb PATA or SATA hard drive, $60 after $60 rebate.
Seagate 750gb PATA, $280 after $50 rebate.

Acomdata 160gb external hard drive, USB or firewire interface (not both) $80 after $15 rebate.
Maxtor 300gb external w/USB, $130 after $40 rebate.
Seagate 500gb external with both USB and firewire interface, $250 after $70 rebate.

Easy Media Creator 9, $70 after $20 upgrade rebate.
Last edited by bill on Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:57 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby TCAS on Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:58 pm

Thanks bill for fine job, look like this week is Memorex week also Staples having the same items on sale as last week.
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Postby bill on Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:46 am

Is Pioneer still putting that nice software bundle in the box with their retail drives? If I remember correctly Ulead was included??

EDIT, More ads have been listed in the first post.
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Postby MonsterMan on Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:18 am

As for the DVR-710:
Last time BB had 'em on sale, I picked one up.

Out of the box, drive id's as a DVR-111D.

Software bundle was just the Nero OEM suite.
BenQ 1655, BenQ 1620, LG 4167, Plex PX-716SA, Samsung SH-S162L, SH-S182M, Pioneer 111D, Lite-On SHM-165H6S and 1.9TB of HDDs to feed 'em and an X2/4800 to crunch for 'em.
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Postby rmdir on Sun Sep 17, 2006 1:39 pm

The Memorex DVD at OfficeMax is a typo-price is $30 for 100. I just got back, ready to buy 5 or 10 spindles. Damn, should have been there at 9 today.
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Postby Justin42 on Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:20 pm

It should be noted that CompUSA is running a deal to get the Philips 642 DVD player (plays Divx [although apparently not the absolutely latest versions], raw MPEGs, and can be hacked to be region free) free with purchase of Easy Media Creator 9.

I ended up biting on that one since I had been looking for a new region free player (Even if it's not the highest end) and EMC 9, so $70 for both (After $70 in rebates) isn't bad.

You can get it online but must buy the bundle, you can't just put both in your cart...

Toss in one of the 50-pack Sony media for $12.99 and you get free shipping. :) (For going over $150)
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Postby pika2000 on Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:05 am

I found that my local Bestbuy has MIJ Fuji CD-Rs, the ones on sale. I assume Fuji went back to TY? Also, there are a few Sony MIJ DVD-R, the ones on sale. Something to look for if you're shopping.
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Postby bill on Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:18 am

MonsterMan wrote:As for the DVR-710:
Last time BB had 'em on sale, I picked one up.

Out of the box, drive id's as a DVR-111D.

Software bundle was just the Nero OEM suite.


I guess Pioneer decided to shave a few bucks off the cost of their product. If I remember correctly, the 8, 9 and 10 series (maybe others) shipped with a Ulead package. It was a nice deal for folks that were just starting out with writers and new camcorder etc..

Thanks :D
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Postby bill on Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:19 am

pika2000 wrote:I found that my local Bestbuy has MIJ Fuji CD-Rs, the ones on sale. I assume Fuji went back to TY? Also, there are a few Sony MIJ DVD-R, the ones on sale. Something to look for if you're shopping.

Nice, I'm actually low on CD-Rs. Time to visit Best Buy.

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Postby bill on Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:22 am

Justin42 wrote:
I ended up biting on that one since I had been looking for a new region free player (Even if it's not the highest end) and EMC 9, so $70 for both (After $70 in rebates) isn't bad.

Nice deal!

Nero 7 is still in the box at my house :D Any info on how well EMC 9 is working at this time? I didnt notice any patches at Roxio yet.
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:10 pm

bill wrote:
MonsterMan wrote:As for the DVR-710:
Last time BB had 'em on sale, I picked one up.

Out of the box, drive id's as a DVR-111D.

Software bundle was just the Nero OEM suite.


I guess Pioneer decided to shave a few bucks off the cost of their product. If I remember correctly, the 8, 9 and 10 series (maybe others) shipped with a Ulead package. It was a nice deal for folks that were just starting out with writers and new camcorder etc..

Thanks :D

those were Axx drives: A07, A08, A09,A10. i don't know was there an A11 (equiv. of 111)?
evidently DVR-710 is a different retail package.
also the Axx drives had a different faceplate and also some other features were different and different firmware, whereas (i might be wrong here) the DVR-710 is the same drive as the 111D just in a different packaging.
Last edited by dodecahedron on Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ian on Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:16 pm

dodecahedron wrote:i don't know was there an A11 (equiv. of 111)?

Yeah, its only available in select markets though. Unfortunately, the US isn't one of them. We're too cheap. :roll:
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Postby bill on Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:40 pm

dodecahedron wrote:[those were Axx drives: A07, A08, A09,A10. i don't know was there an A11 (equiv. of 111)?
evidently DVR-710 is a different retail package.
also the Axx drives had a different faceplate and also some other features were different and different firmware, whereas (i might be wrong here) the DVR-710 is the same drive as the 111D just in a different packaging.

Yes, now that you mention it, I do have some of the Pioneer model numbers mixed up in the back of my head.

The Ulead software bundle did ship with the DVR-R100 retail box (drive model= DVR-110D) but I think that was because the A10XL didn't ship to North America. Sound right?

I miss the Axx line of drives, they look great!
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