I have decided to post this "problem" on several forums on the web, I apologise for asking everywhere the same thing but I really need to get knowledge.
I would like to ask the important question of the conditions of explicit Read Transfert Rate tests. I mean the specific features that a drive must have to perform such a test with the best revelance for DVD writing quality. As it is a "stress test", I do know that reading speeds must be as fast as possible but the real question here concerns the reading capability of the drive used .
For those who want to test drives writing quality and burned media compatibility. It seems obvious, IMO, that the drive used for TRT tests must not be a real good reader. On one hand, if the drive has a good error correction and succeed in reading everything , It can't be enough sensitive to show, with a RTR test, the real way a disc has been burned, it will show only the big problems, I mean real failure as POF or very high PI values. But is it enough ? On the other hand, if the drive is too picky and too sensitive, will the RTR test be revelant in term of burned media compatibility ?
So here's the questions :
1) How "bad" must a drive be so that RTR test can be considered as revelant ?
2) What about BenQ DW1640, it's this drive that is used in CDRLabs reviews... and the 1650&1655 ?
3) Which other drives could be revelant ?