I've tried to add a short description of what the various tests measure. Please note that this is my understanding of the subject- I'm a physicist and not a technical expert on optical drives.
Since the LiteOn guys are doing this on their own time, please share any insights and experience with them. They monitor and contribute to 2 threads at CDFreaks:
New Toy: DVDScan and Feedback Here:
Online Hyper Tuning Test Firmware and Results here:

What is DVDScan
DVDScan is a disc analysis tool written by a LiteOn employee Tom (Wind acts as his spokesman in addition to his work on firmware). It offers various diagnostics for DVD media:
- PI/PIF with PI or PISum8. This reports the activity of the error correction
- Jitter and timing analysis, describes the variation of the lengths of the pits and lands from the ideal values
- Beta (asymmetry of short and long pits/lands)
- TE/FE (tracking error and focus error)
What is required
To run DVD-Speed you need:
- the program (:wink:)
The newest version will generally be linked in the first post in the CDFreaks thread New Toy: DVDScan and Feedback Here.
An early package didn't include the file IEEE_32M.DLL, but the mirror at CDFreaks now has it. - a newer LiteOn drive, generation 5S or 6S (look at the last 2 digits of the model number), e.g. SHM-165P6S
- a firmware version that supports the tests.
At present this usually means a test firmware as supplied by Wind (a very communicative LiteOn employee). To get the newest flavours available, see the thread Test Firmware ANNOUNCEMENTS.
Owners of the 1635S and 165P6S are fortunate in that the lastest official firmware YS0Z and MS0P supports these tests. These are also available at the codeguys website.
The latest version as of this writing is v0.04 Beta (21 Jul. 2006). Here the change log:
I released DVDScan v0.04 beta to Liteon pals 3 hours ago. There are some features modified.
1. Support measuring 1 of 4 drives.
2. Annoying habit of ESC key was disappeared.
3. PI/PIF Total using sum values instead of count values.
4. RealTimeChart could be disabled in PI/PIF test. So you can get higher sample count.
the (point) (comma) problem not yet modified.
Apart from the PI/PIF scans, I didn't see any significant differences in the test results with earlier versions (or between firmware MS0P and MV9N for that amtter), so there's no reason not to use the new version with it's very welcome changes!
- 15 Jul. 2006: original version of this guide. Appearence of v0.02.
- 24 Aug. 2006: update to v0.04