Disc makers Optodisc and Princo cut prices for 16x DVD discs to US$0.15-0.16
EDN, August 22; Adam Hwang, DigiTimes.com [Tuesday 22 August 2006]
Optodisc Technology and Princo, two second-tier makers of optical discs in Taiwan, have reduced their quotations for 16x DVD+R/-R discs to US$0.16 and US$0.15, respectively, lower than the current general level of US$0.18, according to the Chinese-language Economic Daily News (EDN).
Both companies indicated their price cut was in response to market conditions rather than to trigger a price war. Clients of the two companies are mostly regional retail channels and it will be interesting if the price cut will force leading makers, such as CMC Magnetics and Ritek, to lower their OEM prices, the paper noted.
But how is that possible in Princo's case they only had one 16x disc ??? (http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=22028)