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Want to buy TY CD-Rs

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Want to buy TY CD-Rs

Postby Neil McRae on Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:20 pm


I was wondering if anyone still sells these disks I'm looking for. Their manufacture is "Taiyo Yuden Company Ltd" even though the disks say "hp" on them and their Part Number is "C7991A" without the quotes. Here are what the disks look like:

Front views:

Image Image

Back view:


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Postby Neil McRae on Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:39 pm

Please don't send me private messages. Normally when I sign up at a forum and am given the option of disabling private messaging, I disable it. At this forum though, I can't. So please E-mail me from now on if you don't want to reply to this topic.

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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:50 pm

better provide more info on these CDRs.
what is the rated speed ?
what is the ATIP ? ( use CDSpeed to find out).
what kind of packaging ?

provide bigger and higher resolution images.
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Postby Ian on Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:02 pm

I remember those. They were rated at like 16x or 24x. I still have a few of them somewhere.
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Postby Neil McRae on Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:44 pm

Originally posted by dodecahedron
better provide more info on these CDRs.
what is the rated speed ?
what is the ATIP ? ( use CDSpeed to find out).
what kind of packaging ?

provide bigger and higher resolution images.

Manufacture: Taiyo Yuden Company Ltd
Rated speed: 4X - 10X - 16X - 24X - 32X
Part Number: C7991A
What kind of packaging? Jewel cases, spindles, it doesn't matter. I don't have any preference.
Bigger and higher resolution image of front view: Click here to view

End of report.

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Postby [buck] on Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:33 pm

I think you'll have a hard time finding 32X TY CD-Rs anywhere. Are you willing to settle for 52X TY? Those are pretty damn easy to find...
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Postby Ian on Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:13 pm

Yeah, TY's 52x rated discs will work just as well, especially the printables.
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Postby Neil McRae on Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:35 pm

Well, the best I can think of at this point would be if at anytime in the future I want more of the disks that have the Part Number "C7991A" without the quotes, just as long as there will always be disks made that have the exact same shade of green on the back of them as the ones I'm looking for or in other words have the exact same back view as the disk that I took photos of in my first post I can possibly scan in a front view of one of my disks and then print it out on a label and then stiick the label on one of the disks with the green back that I end up buying. Do you think this idea would work? This would be the best I can think of if I want to make a wallet or a book full of disks and have all the disks in that wallet or a book matching. I could ask on a few other forums first if they know anytihing more than you do about buying 32X TY CD-Rs.

I'm still kind of disappointed however that certain products only get made for a limited amount of time instead of permanently and then they are discontinued. I think that once a new product comes out, it should stay out permanently instead of being discontinued after a short while. This is just like for example I like to wear blue shirts and green shirts and it's really hard to find those colours in my area right now with the current most popular colours of shirts being sold at stores in my area being basic colours such as gray, black, navy, etc, or I like to wear a certain kind of belt that was discontinued not too long ago, or a lot of couches now are being made with the cushions that your back leans against not attached which I don't like so when we got our new couch a few years ago we were looking for a long time until we found one we liked where those cushions are attached, and I'm sure I can think of many other examples.

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