Just a few notes:
- All discs were originally burned in a BenQ DW1620 with B7P9, B7T9, B7U9 or B7V9 firmware.
- All discs were originally scanned in the same BenQ DW1620 with the same firmware as they were burned with.
- All discs were rescanned in the same drive with the same firmware as they were orignally scanned in.
- Unfortunately, the discs were rescanned with a different CD Speed version (v4.51.1) than they were orginally scanned with simply because I have no way of knowing exactly which version of CD Speed I used initially
- Discs were stored in cheapie DVD cases or a Case Logic CD/DVD wallet.
edit: I updated each post to specifically state how each disc was stored - I don't have the *exact* dates of when these discs were burned, but my guesses should be accurate to within a month or so.
- Unless stated otherwise, all discs are in good physical condition with minimal scratches/dust (I made sure to dust off every disc with canned air before rescanning).
I should also mention that the initial scans were not always performed under ideal circumstances, which is reflected by the not-so-straight reading line seen in many scans
The first pic will be the original scan, and the second pic will be the rescan.
Let me know if you have any questions or requests!
update: I assigned every disc a number for easier referencing