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Weekly ads starting 6-18-06

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Weekly ads starting 6-18-06

Postby bill on Sun Jun 18, 2006 6:01 am

Staples, ( two week ad...from Ian)

Maxell DVD+R/-R 50 Pack - $14.98
Maxell Audio CD-R 30 Pack - $8.98
Maxell CD-R 50 Pack - $8.98
Maxtor 200GB PATA Harddrive - $69.98 (no rebates)
HP LightScribe CD-R 25 Pack - $9.98
HP LightScribe DVD+R/-R 25 Pack - $14.98

Best Buy

Fuji 8x DVD +or-R, 100 for $30.
Memorex 2.4x DVD+R DL, 25 for $40.
Memorex mini DVD+RW, 10 for $15.
Maxell mini DVD-RW w/case, 8 for $10.


TDK 16x DVD+or-R, 50 for $15.

Office Depot

Office Depot label 16x DVD+or-R, 50 for $8.
Office Depot label DVD+or-RW, 25 for $8.
Memorex CD-R, 50 for $8.
Memorex CD-R lightscribe, 10 for $10.
Memorex DVD+R lightscribe, 10 for $10.

Office Max

Magnavox 52x CD-R, 100 for $14.
Magnavox 16x DVD+or-R, 50 for $14.
Magnavox 4x DVD+RW, 25 for $14.

Circuit City

Phillips CD-R, 50 for $6.
Phillips DVD +or-R, 25 for $6.
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Postby kukm4 on Sun Jun 18, 2006 1:09 pm

If anyone gets the Office Depot brand dvds, can you
please list the Media code.
Buffer Underrun
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Postby jalicea77 on Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:49 pm

Media code for office depot dvd+r:
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 38
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Postby kukm4 on Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:40 pm

Buffer Underrun
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Postby Dartman on Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:15 pm

The ones I got are RitekF1 andP16. The plus actually burns pretty well on all my BenQ drives, the minus isn't as good. The 111 doesn't like the plus as well with latest firmware.
Look for d111 in the serial on the hub to try and find the Ricoh stuff, everyone at my store was ritek :cry:
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office depot brand dvd+r

Postby jalicea77 on Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:27 pm

I burned (1) movie with a sony dru-710a at 4x and it played in my standalone fine. Unfortunately, I had (3) coasters in a row after attempting a burn at 8x w/ the same burner. I wouldn't recommend this media.
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 38
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2004 8:56 pm

Postby TCAS on Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:59 pm

Thanks bill for ads information you are at top of the issue as usual. Has any one used these "Magnavox 16x DVD+or-R, 50 for $14.
Magnavox 4x DVD+RW, 25 for $14." so far if yes how is the quality of these discs?.
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