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nero sound trax

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nero sound trax

Postby coonsanders on Mon Jun 12, 2006 1:26 pm


i recently use the nero 7 sound trax for coping a cassette tape to a cd.i
used that option in the wizard option.after it captured the music it pro-
cessed it and went into the next phase where it allows u to preview the
music from the tape.here u can do edit the songs.when i tried to preview
the music sounded like jubberish,or not clearhow can i correct this?other
than that nero 7 works good.

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Postby CCampbell on Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:44 pm

There's only so much the Editing Tools can do. If there are pops, hisses, etc, then yes you can clean it using the Nero WAV Editor.

But if the source captuered is so mangled that you can not here the words or the background music, then this is beyond what Nero WAV editors tools can resolve.

You would need to find out why this is occuring to begin with. I assume that when you are capturing, and listening to the song being captured over your speakers, that the input is not coming in as 'Gibberish'?

If not, then we need to look as the drivers for your sound card.

I did a quick test before responding to this Email, using a Creative Labs Sound card on Window XP, I find no trouble with Nero SoundTrax capturing audio. It split the tracks, without problems, and playback is clean all the way through the album.


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Postby CowboySlim on Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:58 pm

As with Craig, I've no problem in capturing from a cassette to hard drive using SoundTrax.
I'm using an Intel D865GBFL board with embedded audio.

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sount trax

Postby coonsanders on Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:01 pm

when i played back the recoreded song with the soundtrax with nero 6
the soundtrax worked very well.i just bought nero 7 and the soundtrax is
not working well.im using soundblaster live now as then.im trying to rein-
stall the nero 7 but im getting prompts saying fatel error.reinstall the
software.i dont remember the number that came with this warning.any


ps everything other than the soundtrax worked very well
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a follow up

Postby coonsanders on Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:46 pm


i reinstalled the nero 7 and the soundtrax is now crashing.im haveing a
problem with setupx too.the soundtrax freezes up and crashes.i also up-
dated the soundblaster 24 card i have. any ideas??

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Postby CCampbell on Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:02 pm

When you uninstalled, did you use the Nero Clean Tool?

Do you have anything unique on your system?

When does SoundTrax 'crash' exactly? When you add files, launch Soundtrax, or during capturing?


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sound trak crashes

Postby coonsanders on Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:13 am

hi craig

i try and add the files to play and it plays the songs but they sound like
the speed for them isnt consistant and it goes in and outits about at this
point the soundtrax freezes up.i have nothing except zone alarm and
lavasoft in the back round as firewall and anti virus.i took them out during
the installation but still have the problems.like i said before when i had
nero 6 installed it worked fine.is there a patch i should install for nero 7??

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