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connecting my amp to my computer

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connecting my amp to my computer

Postby coonsanders on Tue May 23, 2006 1:42 pm

hi gang

im trying to record the sound track onto a cd with nero 6.i got my vcr
hooked up to my amp then i ran a wrire to my input on my computer.
there was no music going into the computer as the computer speakers
were silent but my regular stereo speakers were playing the music.how
do i get the computer speakers to work along with the regular speakers?

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Postby burninfool on Wed May 24, 2006 11:48 pm

Did you:
1.Use the line-in jack(usually blue)?
2.Select line-in in Windows Volume Control->Options->Properties->Recording(make sure Mute is not checked)?
3.Move the slider up(make louder)?
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