Specifically I'm trying to convert 52 30 minute variable bit rate WMV's to a few video DVDs using NeroVision Express 3. The DVD-Video plugin costed 20 bucks so I was counting on it to work.
On about 2 out of every 10 videos, nero is freezing in the exact same spot every time, like it's confused how to convert that particular video frame or something. NeroVision keeps running but stops making any progress and can't be closed without task manager. If I use WME to convert the files to constant bit rate, they transcode all the way through, but the resulting dvd plays those movies gimpy. Every other movie plays correctly but those particular movies only play small portions then skip to the next movie.
This problem has occured on both computers I've tried NVE on. Both are Gateway computers. One has ATI Radeon Express 200M and AMD Turion 64, the other has a generic graphics card and 2.7 Ghz Celeron.
Does anyone know of this bug, what's causing it, or a workaround?