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URGENT - How to restore files from corrupted Nero Backup

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URGENT - How to restore files from corrupted Nero Backup

Postby KGB-Agent on Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:48 pm

Howdy All

Got a major major issue. Had a fat32 Win98 machine that I backed up 4.1 gig of data onto DVD using Nero Backup. Reformatted PC, loaded XP then went to restore from Nero [-o<


As you can see from the below pic - there is NO nb.txt file on the dvd :roll:


When I look at Disk Info in Nero I see the below:


So Nero sees 2 tracks there - the first is almost 2gig which i surmise is related to the 2gig fat32 size limit :roll:

I tried to use the menu/extras/save tracks option


But each track goes to:


then disappears. The track is not saved :o

However .... if I go to Nero Backitup and point to the DVD it shows me all the files & dirs on the DVD


I can browse right thru folders to see files etc ...

Thats when I get the problem so nothing will restore :evil:


I have been thru pages and pages of this forum and googled myself insane and cant find an answer --- It is vital i get some of this data back.

Any of you kind peeps have any ideas ???

Buffer Underrun
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Ooops --- the 2nd missing image

Postby KGB-Agent on Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:51 pm

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Postby KGB-Agent on Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:55 pm

Nero Backitup
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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Apr 29, 2006 2:15 am

hello KGB-Agent, welcome to CDRLabs.

i wish you luck with restoring your data. unfortunately i've seen quite a few posts by people here who have problems getting their data back from Nero's Back It Up.

look in this forum for Craig Campbell, he's a Nero employee who visits here more or less regularly and helps people out. look for his email and email him directly. i hope he'll be able to help you out.

OK here's his email: techsupport4@nero.com
but i think he's boing to be busy in the near future, some show, so he might take a while to get back to you. (see here)
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Postby CCampbell on Mon May 01, 2006 5:54 pm

Hi KGB-Agent,

The NB.txt file is not required for restoring. It's only used for identifying the proper disc for selecting to restore.

To confirm this, I inserted the disc I did a backup too using Nero BackItUps File backup process, and drag-n-drop the NBA file to my Desktop.

I then launch Nero BackItUp and selected the Restore option, and selected the NBA file from my desktop to restore from, and selected a Temp 4 folder to restore too.

And the restore process completed without any errors.

What worries me is that you indicate your backup disc does not contain the NB.txt file, and I assume it does not have the Readme.TXt file either. So my concern is that the backup did not complete succesfully. Did you use the 'Verify' feature when you did the backup, and did it pass the verify process?

Because of the backup failed, then there is nothing I can do to recover the data. But if the backup was succesful, even without the NB.txt or Readme.txt file, you can still restore your data.


Screenshot of backup disc.JPG
This is the contents of any backup disc created using Nero BackItUp File backup process
Screenshot of backup disc.JPG (67.58 KiB) Viewed 4301 times
Restore from NBA file.JPG
This screenshot shows my restoring from the NBA file that I had copied from the backup DVD to the Desktop before doing the restore
Restore from NBA file.JPG (50.02 KiB) Viewed 4296 times
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Thanks Craig - sorry 4 delay --- been away

Postby KGB-Agent on Fri May 05, 2006 7:07 am

As my screenshots indicated (i hope :) ) Windows only sees 1 .nba file on the dvd


this equates to "track 2" that Nero sees in diskinfo

I cannnot copy the file off the dvd at all - nor save tracks :(

the NB.txt or Readme.txt file dont exist and a belated verify fails vos it asks for the correct disk

What I find puzzling is tha BIU2 (even on a diff PC) can seem to 'see' the files/dirs of the backup set - as in pic below


I am still perplexed

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Postby CCampbell on Fri May 05, 2006 10:32 am

Hi KGB-Agent,

When you do a write to a Data CD or DVD, the first thing written is the directory structure. So you could see the paths, but the actual data may not have been written.

Similar occurs when you are doing the backup. The directory structure was written, but the actual contents failed to be written.

The fact that you can not simply drag-n-drop the .NBA from the CD or DVD to your Hard Drive, as I did, and then do the restore leads me to believe that it was a failed backup. So its' very likely the actual data is not even written to the disc, and can not be recovered by any tools.



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Sorry to be a pesky ant craig ---- last question I promise

Postby KGB-Agent on Sun May 07, 2006 6:16 pm

Thanks for your replies =D>

When I look at Disk Info in Nero I see the below:


So Nero sees 2 tracks there - the first is almost 2gig which i surmise is related to the 2gig fat32 size limit

Does that suggest that the data is there but corrupt ?

Thanks again
Buffer Underrun
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Postby CCampbell on Wed May 17, 2006 5:52 pm

Well, based on this information, something was obviously written, and more than just the directory structure.

If you would like to send me the disc to see what I can do with it, you can contact me directly at Techsupport4@nero.com and I'll give you my shipping address so that you can ship the DVD to me, and see what I am able to accomplish with it.


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Postby CCampbell on Mon May 22, 2006 4:41 pm

Hi KGB-Agent,

I feel like an idiot for not thinking of this to begin with, as it's very simple now that I come to think of it. :oops:

All that you need is the NB.txt file right? So just create it. :D
The Nero BackItUP tells you the content of the NB.txt file its looking for, so all you need to do is the following....

1) First copy the contents of the disc to your Hard Drive by using Windows Explorer to simply drag and drop the contents of the DVD to the folder on your Hard Drive.
2) Then create a NB.txt file in that same folder
3) Open the NB.txt file and type in the ID its looking for. Which is FA0B97A4-D3C6-11DA-8D6E-0015F2010AFA-1
4) Now using Nero Burning ROM or Nero Express, burn the contents of that folder back to DVD.

Now you should have no trouble doing the restore.

I should have thought of that to begin with, but it's the simple things you over look. :-)


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Postby KGB-Agent on Mon May 22, 2006 10:42 pm

Much Thanks Craig

I thougt that maybe the case - however I cant get it to copy of the dvd either.

The victim has got over her lost data now :oops:

Thanks again for your help

Buffer Underrun
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