by CCampbell on Wed May 17, 2006 4:28 pm
Ok, I was able to duplicate this issue with one of my source files that was 700MB in size, give or take a few MB.
One thing I noticed when I used the Auto Generate feature, when I scrolled through the chapters it had generated, a few of them had a 'white' box with an X in it, instead of a thumbnail for the chapter point.
If I deleted the affected chapter points, I was able to burn without problems. If I left the affected chapter points alone, it would fail to burn.
And if I tried to select the chapter point and then move it frame by frame to try and obtain a thumbnail at a different location, Nero Vision locked up.
I need to do some more testing and test with different source video files before I can generate a bug report, as I need to cover all the angles, but this may be the same issue you are running into.
Check and see if the chapter points you automatically generate of this same issue.