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Nero now

Postby tony_bedford on Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:29 pm

Nero have just posted an update for Nero 7!!
I wonder what they have done.I think I will hold off updating my computer for a few days in view of the problems I have had with the original Perhaps they read my posting.
I have just finished restoring my computer to sort out the previous mess.
I think I will have a quiet evening and check at how the upgrades of Nero are progressing!
Buffer Underrun
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Postby bobmitchell on Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:44 pm

I certainly have nothing to lose...My biggest issue has been NeroVision...I will post back after install

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Postby bobmitchell on Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:08 pm

NeroVision still broken. Had to uninstall first, since it did not install properly with it in. Nero Scout did not load on toolbar...that's the only difference I can tell. Been sitting here for at least 4 minutes and NeroVision still not loading

Addendum: I did notice that Nero Scout is NOT enabled by default with this version. The search bar at the bottom toolbar is not active unless you go into options and activate it

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Selective Install Problem

Postby waterloo_sunset on Mon May 15, 2006 4:49 pm

I downloaded and did a selective install as usual. Just installed nero burning rom, startsmart, tools, wave editor. After the install when i checked the Nero Program Files folder i was surprised to see a Nero Vision Sub-folder along with the rest of the files even though i never selected it in the first place. It seemed like a partial install of Nero Vision with a bunch of plugins and other files adding up to 55MB or so. Can anybody else confirm this? Never happened with the previous versions of Nero 7.
Buffer Underrun
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Postby jens on Tue May 16, 2006 2:17 am

bobmitchell wrote:NeroVision still broken. Had to uninstall first, since it did not install properly with it in. [...] Been sitting here for at least 4 minutes and NeroVision still not loading

Have you waited any longer? How fast is your machine? I noticed that NeroVision does lots of registry hits during startup. I counted 159506 registry hits with Regmon (sysinternals.com) producing a high CPU load. This can take a long time on a slow machine. Perhaps there are more registry hits depending on available information. This might take even more time.

I think this is a bug because most of those registry hits are redundant and repeat thousands of times:
Code: Select all
18.21226883   NeroVision.exe:1296   OpenKey   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers   SUCCESS   Access: 0x20019    
18.21398163   NeroVision.exe:1296   OpenKey   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT   SUCCESS   Access: 0x20019    
18.21403694   NeroVision.exe:1296   QueryValue   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT\DLL   SUCCESS   "nvoglnt"   
18.21506882   NeroVision.exe:1296   QueryValue   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT\Flags   SUCCESS   0x1   
18.21508598   NeroVision.exe:1296   QueryValue   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT\Version   SUCCESS   0x2   
18.21510315   NeroVision.exe:1296   QueryValue   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT\DriverVersion   SUCCESS   0x10000   
18.21723938   NeroVision.exe:1296   CloseKey   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT   SUCCESS      
18.21761703   NeroVision.exe:1296   CloseKey   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers   SUCCESS      
Buffer Underrun
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Location: Germany

Postby jens on Thu May 18, 2006 8:32 am

I have now downgraded to version - This solved all my problems with Nero Vision.
Buffer Underrun
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Location: Germany

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