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Nero Burning ROM, Nero Express, NeroVision Express, Recode, InCD, etc.. Corrupted Installed

Postby VideoRoy on Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:03 pm

I just downloade Eng No YT and attemped to install over I have never had a problem updating before but half way through the install I started getting "Install Corrupted" errors and jus an OK button so I just kept hitting OK and it seemed to complete the install. I have not tried all the applications yet and my thought is to uninstall everything, clean registry and install fresh.

BTW the MD5 verifier was all green and said the checksum was validated.

Anyone else run into this?
DRU500A-2.1A, DRU710A-BYX5, PX716A-1.11, DW1655-BCIB, LH-20A1H-LL0C, GMA-4080N-0S35
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Postby VideoRoy on Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:33 pm

Uninstall / Reinstall seems to have worked. At least no more corrupt errors on install.

Nero Vision appears to be having some problems though. I could not get it to load at first.
DRU500A-2.1A, DRU710A-BYX5, PX716A-1.11, DW1655-BCIB, LH-20A1H-LL0C, GMA-4080N-0S35
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