Plextor Japan has officially unveiled the PlexWriter Premium2:
It seems to support many of the same functions as the PX-760 as well as Yamaha's AudioMASTER technology. I must admit that I was a little surprised by this. Some of the drive's specs:
Writing Speeds: 52x, 48x (CAV), 40x, 32x (P-CAV), 20x, 16x, 8x, 4x, 2x (CLV)
ReWriting Speeds: 32x, 24x (P-CAV), 10x, 4x (CLV)
Read Speeds: 50x, 40x, 32x, 24x (CAV), 8x, 4x (CLV)
Supported Formats: CD-DA、 CD-Extra、 CD-ROM Mode-1、 Mix CD、 CD-ROM XA、 Photo-CD、 Video-CD、 CD-I Multi session、 CD TEXT、 UDF
Recording Modes: Track at Once, Disc at Once, Session at Once, Packet Writing, Multi-Session, CD-MRW
Average Access Time: 65ms
Buffer: 8MB
If you were expecting this to be a cheaper version of the Premium, think again. It's going for 19,800 Yen ($168US) in Japan. That's more than many of Plextor's DVD writers!