by rudyschatz on Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:54 pm
ATTN: C.Campbell
I have some more info for you. I found the program that is causing the problem.It is called DVDRegionFree. it installs something into the registry.If I run registry checker before rebooting it eliminates it & I get no buffer overrun.If I don't run registry checker the error returns. This program is not a recording program.
I checked further & found another program inside DVDRegionFree which is called DVD43 which when taken out of DVDRegionFree makes everything work OK .I'm not sure what this program does but I will keep checking.
The strange thing is DVDRegionFree worked OK with NERO 6.but causes errors in NERO 7
Can you find out what the difference is in the two programs?
Thank you,
Rudy Schatz