Hi Lionels,
First, I want to appologize. I was in a 'great' mood, and I was jokingly prodding you, and I should not have done that. It's rare that I'm in a playful mood like I was.
Your concern was and is valid, and if I was a user, I would have come to the same conclusion as you, as you do not have the inside information that I have.
And even with my inside information, it's always possible that someone above makes a decision that undercuts my knowledge, as you indicated.
And it is very possible that this is not fixed in the release that comes out in Oct if it's pused back again as it's not as high a priority as some other features may be. But unless it takes us 12 months to implement this change, this feature will be in Nero 7 release. ( And I very strongly hope it does not take that long, as we have some PC OEMs who also want this feature implemented.)