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Nero Recode: "Merge Titles" Feature DOESN'T Merge

Nero Burning ROM, Nero Express, NeroVision Express, Recode, InCD, etc..

Amazingly this issue has still not been fixed..

Postby Jamos on Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:36 pm

well you can merge two of the same titles on one dvd but the feature to merge different titles from 2 different dvds does not enable. TMPGenc works but your limited to one audio stream dolby digital only.
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Postby lionels on Wed May 17, 2006 8:32 am

Just been advised by Nero that this function will not be fixed until October in the new version ( I assume they mean version 8). Obvious what they want you to do is pull out your wallets if you want this fix regardless of the fact that the current version you have that you paid good money for never worked with this function even though it is suppose to be included. All this waiting and work around. By the time it is fixed I am sure we will see this feature in another competitor. Then it is bye bye Nero for me because of the way this fix was treated
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Postby CCampbell on Wed May 17, 2006 4:08 pm

And just how did you come to this 'Assumtion'? :roll:

Was it from our past history? But wait, our last upgrade took 2 years or more.

How about the one before that? No, that was even longer than 2 years.

So it can't be from our history of actions.

So then it was something someone at Nero said? And yet, in this and other forums I've said that Nero 7 has quite a number of updates to come in the future before we can even think of coming out with a Nero 8.

So this assumption must come from....Palm Reader; Taro Cards, Crystal Ball, tossing of bones? :D


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Postby lionels on Thu May 18, 2006 8:26 am

I came to this assumption from direct communication from Nero to me which said and I quote "We will be able to fix this problem but the version which will contain that fix will not be available until October" Version I took to mean NEW version and not update or patch as this is Nero's own words. Note however I did say ("I assume they mean version 8") in my post below in case they meant next update release instead of new version.

I have been chasing this fix for over a year and a half back from version 6. I have been in contact with Nero since then and a lot of the replies I have got was after direct consultation with the developers. Every time they gave a date, timeframe, update or version it would be released in and that passed they set another. Now I am told it is October. That is nearly six months away. And what happens when we reach that date? "Sorry it will be updated next version'? Meanwhile all my projects and any enjoyment I would have got out of this goes on for years (it will be close to two years by then). Common Craig you must think all us nero users have patience of a saint and will not stand up and air our dissatisfaction or never jump ships if unhappy? I paid money for this function in version 6 then 7. Do you not think after close to two years I should just lay down and give up without letting others know my experience.

I am sorry Craig I know you are not part of the decision making at Nero on this and am not aiming this at you (and acknowledge you have been very helpful on these forums) but Nero need to know that when they sell something that doesn't work at all it should get some high priority in getting fixed and not continue to sell it in completely new versions as a function that still works. :D
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Postby CCampbell on Thu May 18, 2006 2:19 pm

Hi Lionels,

First, I want to appologize. I was in a 'great' mood, and I was jokingly prodding you, and I should not have done that. It's rare that I'm in a playful mood like I was. :D

Your concern was and is valid, and if I was a user, I would have come to the same conclusion as you, as you do not have the inside information that I have.

And even with my inside information, it's always possible that someone above makes a decision that undercuts my knowledge, as you indicated. :roll:

And it is very possible that this is not fixed in the release that comes out in Oct if it's pused back again as it's not as high a priority as some other features may be. But unless it takes us 12 months to implement this change, this feature will be in Nero 7 release. ( And I very strongly hope it does not take that long, as we have some PC OEMs who also want this feature implemented.)


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