Just a rumor at this point, but listening to Sirius on the way home, apparently, Dickie may have been accompanied by a female ambassador to Switzerland on this "hunting" trip. Certainly not your typical guest to be hanging around the VP, with a gun no less.
What do you suppose she was doing on a "hunting" trip w/the VP?
Now there is a perfectly good reason why the spin doctors got 16+ hours before the story got out to the press.
Funny thing is, the story was given to the press by the owner of the ranch that this happened on, do you suppose she was "asked" (read TOLD) not to say anything to the press?
BTW, if that were you or me, wouldnt we have been carted away to jail (although most likely out on bail) if we had:
A) Shot someone while hunting and waited an hour to call the police, or
B) Been hunting w/o the proper $7 stamp on our hunting license (heard it on the news, not sure if it is actually true, but....)
I am curious to see what (if anything) happens to Dickie boy if this guy actually dies as a result of this incident. I envision nothing happening because 1) he is the VP, and 2), it happened in Texas, and we all know who hails from Texas, don't we?
I know this was an accident, but the way this was handled is absolutely ridiculous. I am not a lawyer, but if he was hunting illegally (if that is true), and shot someone, (technically, he shouldn't have been hunting in that situation), does that make the shooting incident worse from a legal standpoint, especially if he dies?