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LG 4167B can't read DVD-RAM


LG 4167B can't read DVD-RAM

Postby dragonturtle on Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:42 am


I have an LG GSA-4167B on firmware DL12 that's been running fine for DVDs. I bought some Maxell DVD-RAM disks today just to try, and find that the drive doesn't read them. After inserting the disk, the drive just keeps chugging away, never recognizing the media.

I'm on Win2000, and I've done some searching here and found hints that LG drivers have issues with DVD-RAM and that OS. Is this true? Is there a workaround besides upgrading? I'm happy with W2K, don't like XP which I use at work. Maybe it's just the association of XP with work... :o
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:49 am

do you have InCD installed ?
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Postby Justin42 on Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:45 pm

I never had issues with my LG 4163, DVD-RAM and Windows 2000 SP4 when I was running that combo. Do you have the September 2005 DVD-RAM drivers? (sorry, I'm at work and don't have a link, but AFAIK it's the latest)

If you have InCD or Drag-to-Disc (Roxio) installed that could be the issue. (they take over DVD-RAM writing for some stupid reason instead of letting the drivers do it) Make sure they're updated, or uninstall them and re-install the DVD-RAM drivers to see if it helps.
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:03 pm

where do you get the drivers?
AFAIK the LG drives don't come with drivers, just InCD.
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Postby Justin42 on Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:05 pm

I am fairly certain these are the drivers I've been using with my 4167 despite them not specifically saying it's supported...
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Postby dragonturtle on Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:55 am

I tried InCD, but I had the same problem, and I don't have Roxio. I've also upgraded the firmware to 13 and I'm on SP4, but still no dice.

I'll try those drivers you suggested, Justin, thanks.
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Postby Justin42 on Sun Feb 12, 2006 6:58 pm

Here's a thread at CDFreaks (hope it's ok to post) talking about this. Apparently you may need to used 'hacked' Panasonic DVD-RAM drivers.. hacked as unless you have a Panasonic DVD-RAM device, they won't install.. even though they will WORK with non-Panasonic units. (I have an old external Panasonic DVD-RAM along with my 4163 so I don't know what it does on a non-Panasonic setup.)

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