It's been a while, but there's another test of DVD-Burners and media in the latest issue of c't No. 4/2006 on sale in Europe tomorrow.
The same issue has a first look at the Samsung BluRay and NEC HD-DVD drives that Ian reported in last week's news:
Samsung. The print article brings little new information, so I won't say more about it.
They looked at 5 "new" media types- one is a
Labelflash variety (almost twice the price of the others

). The physical properties were analyzed by Audiodev from unburnt discs. The c't weighted
mechanical quality index is based on these results. The available information is summarized in the following table:
- Code: Select all
DVD-R 16x DVD+R 16x DVD-R 16x LF DVD+R 16x DVD+R DL 8x
Bound BenQ BenQ Fuji Film Plextor Ricoh
Daxon 016S Daxon AZ3 Ritek F1 Yuden000 T03 RICOHJPN D01
AxialN [mu] 0.2 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.19
RadialN [nm] 25 34.0 25.0 26.0 20.0 26.0
RRO [mu] 70 21.0 65.0 19.0 17.0 27.0
Mech. Index/ Grade 76 / ++ 67 / + 84 / ++ 88 / ++ 60 / +
Writing quality 0 - 0 0 --
Clim. Stability 0 -- 0 0 +
The writing quality is an average based on the results of the burner tests below and (of course) depends on the firmware used there.
These discs all show excellent mechanical properties (particularly the Plextor media), the compatibility with the tested drives is not so good- the firmware needs work. The TY media are not as "compatible" as the DVD-R variety- even the Plextor drive has problems- but this lies in the firmware (the discs are excellent mechanically).
The BenQ media have similar mechanical properties and burn quality, but the
dash discs do
much better than the
plus variety in the climatic stabilty test. The latter are not recommended for long term storage.
The Fuji LabelFlash even
improved in one case after the climatic torture test- but are too expensive for use other than in a LabelFlash drive.
Most of the drives couldn't write to the second layer of the Ricoh DL media- they apparently have problems with the
inverted stack production method. In that light, the excellent climatic stability is irrelevant.
DrivesThere are 5 drives in the test this time- most with LightScribe (or LabelFlash) and/or DVD-RAM capability.
As usual, I'll tabulate the c't quality index along with the grade (see for a description of this index and the grade).
The first table contains model and firmware and the c't grade for various categories. The quality and speed ratings for DVDs are now combined in a single grade.
- Code: Select all
DVD Burns Reading Noise
Model + Firmware R / RW / DL CD / DVD CD/VideoDVD
BenQ BCAC + / -- / 0 + / ++ 0 / --
BenQ BCAB 0 / 0 / 0 + / + 0 / --
NEC 1.07 0 / + / - 0 / - 0 / --
Plextor 1.01 0 / -- / -- + / + 0 / -
Plextor 1.01 - / -- / -- + / + 0 / +
The next tables contains the actual and recommended burning speed for these drives and selected media. The recommended speed is based on details of the scans (
NO means "do not use"). The second line shows the c't quality index and grade (# means POFs occurred).
As usual, a burning cascade was carried out for RW's (a CD-Speed data disk is used for the +-R results). A number in parentheses here, e.g.
(3), indicates a recommended speed from the
third burn on.
First: 8x LightScribe, RW and DL Media
- Code: Select all
DVD+R 8x DVD+R DL 8x DVD-R DL 4x DVD+RW 8x DVD-RW 6x
LightScribe Ricoh MCC (Verb.) Ricoh Verbatim
BenQ 8 / 8 8 / NO 4 / 4 8 / 2.4 6 / 6(3)
DW1650 48 / 0 -125 / -- 74 / + -454 / -- -85 / --#
BenQ 8 / 8 8 / NO 4 / 4 8 / 2.4 6 / 6
DW1655 45 / 0 -108 / --# 71 / + -7 / -- 79 / ++
NEC 8 / 8 8 / 4 6 / 6 8 / 8 6 / 6
ND-4551A 61 / + -110 / --# 41 / 0 57 / + 67 / +
Plextor 8 / 8 2.4 / NO 4 / NO 8 / NO ? / NO
PX-750A 63 / + -290 / --# -258 / --# -12 / -- ? / ?
Plextor 12 / NO 8 / NO 6 / 2.4 8 / NO 6 / NO
PX-755A -409 / --# -354/ --# 27 / 0 -302 / --# -164 / --#
The Plextor PX-755A was tested
without autostrategy.
Next: 16x +R and -R Media. Here the Plextor PX-755A appears twice:
with and
without Auto
- Code: Select all
DVD+R 16x DVD-R 16x DVD+R 16x DVD-R 16x DVD-R 16x
BenQ BenQ Taiyo Yuden Taiyo Yuden Fuji Film
Daxon AZ31 Daxon 016S Yuden000 T03 TYG03 Ritek F1
BenQ 16 / 12 8 / 8 4 / 4 16 / 16 16 / 16
DW1650 31 / 0 80 / ++ 59 / + 60 / + 58 / +
BenQ 16 / 12 16 / 12 16 / 12 16 / 16 16 / 12
DW1655 43 / 0 43 / 0 31 / 0 50 / + -76 / --#
NEC 16 / 12 16 / 12 16 / 12 16 / 16 16 / 12
ND-4551A -4 / -- 19 / - -17 / -- 57 / + 45 / 0
Plextor 4 / 4 16 / NO 16 / 12 16 / 12 4 / 4
PX-750A 37 / 0 -695 / --# 48 / 0 37 / 0 66 / +
Plextor 16 / 8 16 / 8 16 / 8 16 / 8 16 / 12
PX-755A AS -252 / --# 5 / - -3 / -- 31 / 0 63 / +
Plextor no 16 / NO 8 / NO 16 / 12 16 / 16 12 / 4
PX-755A AS -459 / --# -641 / --# -9 / -- 68 / + -314 / --#
Some remarks:
- CD-Rs were only tested with a single burn with TY media. Aparently CD's are "unproblematic" and are not given much weight.
- The new BenQ 1650 and 1655 have similarly good results as the 1640 did. Solidburn allow successful burns of single layer media without strategies implemented in the firmware- albeit at reduced speeds. It does not help with DL or RW media. The differing results between these drives result from the somewhat older FW in the 1655.
- LabelFlash (NEC) is faster and more resistant to bleaching (light) than Lightscribe (BenQ 1655), but is more difficult to read because the glossy surface loves reflections and fingerprints.
- NEC does well a writer, but has poor DVD error correction and is loud- not a good DVD-reader, but good CD error correction. It does better with the DL and RW media tested than the other drives. A peculiarity: the discs burned by the NEC did better in the climatic tests than those from the BenQ DW1650. Just what this means remains to be seen.

- The Plextor PX-750A can use the Panasonic drivers to write to DVD-RAM and is OK with single layer media. The results for other media types are terrible.
- Plextor PX-755A relies on Autostrategy for unknown media types- but does not do a good job with them (in contrast to BenQ). The TY DVD-R were better without AS than with it turned on (as recommended by Plextor). The writing quality is not good with this FW. One of the few things going for this expensive drive is the diagnostics offered by the Plextools (PIE, POE, beta, jitter, focus and tracking error).
Personally, I would have prefered to have some more established media in the tests (e.g. Verbatim 16x). Other than TYG03, this is mostly new and exotic stuff that doesn't allow a fair comparison with previously tested drives.