Anyone knows when a update of Qsuite is avaible? My SB-list is full and I want to erase not all learned types.
Scour wrote:Hello!
Anyone knows when a update of Qsuite is avaible? My SB-list is full and I want to erase not all learned types.
dolphinius_rex wrote:I've sent BenQ and e-mail asking about this... I'll let you know when I hear back
taidi wrote:This is just a bare list of media types with no suggestion that they have been tested or are recommended. It is interesting thoiugh to see the relationship of 'labels' to MID numbers, but I didn't think these were permanent relationships, - don't media marketeers switch their suppliers around fairly frequently ??
dolphinius_rex wrote:
@Scour: Still no reply on the matter. I got a quick reply only saying they were very busy and a full reply may take some time. Sorry!
jjones wrote:After reading the excellent reviews here and over at CDFreaks, I ordered the Benq 1640 and just received it. So far so good with burning DVD-R (Sony 8x) and DVD+R (TY 8x) media.
A quick question: when the drive is not in use, is the light on the front supposed to stay on?
Bhairav wrote:Weird! Princo media with a TDK code? NEver seen those before.
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