I have never seen more annoying commercials on a site as on this one.
1st -It seems that localisation have come up with a vey irritating and very noisy advert of Talen scout.nl
(If your unlucky you have it in both adverts blocks and the noise will go asynchrone and really bad.)
Now while this one was more annoying as the annoying thing. (incase of the frog it only makes noise when you go over it. THis one allready makes noise when loaded !!!)
While I could overcome this one by simply only visiting cdrlabs withouth my speakers on.
2nd The next one was even more worse. It's called winfixer it puts a lot bars which even if you click cancel (or if you try to put it down.) give you more crap.
Very frustrating also it seems to block loading of the actuall content !!.
I can understand the need of ads to some level.
But with the current rise of more and more irritating adds I think that under the current situation I feel that the next ad will probally go beyond my limit of tollerance.
So be a little bit more selective or I think I probally decide to keep out.
(Which one hand would be a good thing. Less users means less web trafic which means lower costs which means less adds for other folks.