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Nero 6.6 Photo Express Corrupted Jpegs

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Nero 6.6 Photo Express Corrupted Jpegs

Postby kypaulreed on Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:16 am

I downloaded 80 pictures from my digital camera using Nero 6.6 Photo Express V1.0. The photos displayed fine while in Photo Express, so I cleared my camera after making a copy of the pictures to a CD and having them on my harddrive.
Nero Photo Express corrupted the Jpeg files so no other program can view the pictures. Photo Express can only display them and it cannot print or export to useable formats. No other programs can view the pictures.
Nero Support in the US gave no useful help. Nero Support in Europe is now trying to see if they can recover the pictures they corrupted. I have been waiting for a month and don't think they know what to do or they have some many other problems that I'm at the bottom of their list.
Has anyone else encountered this problem and know of a way to recover the corrupted jpegs. I will email a corrupted picture to anyone that wants to try and solve this.
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Postby CCampbell on Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:06 am

Did you burn these pictures to a CD using the VCD or SVCD format?

The program you are talking about is Nero PhotoShow Express, not Nero Express 6.6.

When Nero PhotoShow Express captures pictures from your Camera, it will save them in the standard JPEG file format, which can be played by any program.

I just now pulled some pictures from my Digital Camera, and I can view them in Windows Media PLayer, Paint, Nero PhotoSnap, etc.

Can you send me one of these pictures to me at techsupport4@nero.com?


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Postby kypaulreed on Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:17 pm

I replied back to Craig that Photo Express is what corrupted the Jpegs and is the only program that can still display the pictures. So Photo Express must be decoding them in order to display them. But the program fails to export it or even print it, so the techs at Nero may be the only ones that can salvage these corrupted files.

I emailed him a file and asked that he update me with his analysis and hopefully a solution. Many of the 80 corrupted pictures are of my late step daughter and cannot be replaced.
Buffer Underrun
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Postby CCampbell on Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:34 pm

Hi Paul,

I've already sent you an Email in response to this issue, but wanted to follow up on this forum as well, for the benifit of others reading this thread.

I did get yoru Email with the attached JPEG file, and from my tests, I could not open the file either. However, unlike you, I could not open the file at all, not even with Nero PhotoShow Express 1.0.1 Build#214 which is the free one we provide on the website and with all OEM and Retail builds.

I could not open the file with Paint, Nero PHotoShow Express or Elite, Nero PhotoSnap, Microsoft Picutre and Fax Viewer, or Adobe PhotoShow Elements. Adobe PhotoShop Elements did come back with a more useful error message saying: "Could not complete your request because a JPEG marker segment length is too short (the file may be truncated or incompelte)"

I then connected a Digital Camera up to the system and used Nero PhotoShow Express 1.0.1 Build#214 to import the pictures from the Camera to the program. And then I tested those very same programs as mentioned above to see if I could open them. And in all cases I was able to open them and edit them with all programs.

I must say that this issue is not caused by NPSE saving them in a format not useable by any programs, as even NPSE can not even see the file to import it.

In your Email, you mention that you had backed up the pictures to a CD, and you also have them on your desktop. Did you send me one that was burnt or backedup to a CD? If so, please send me one of the original files from off your computer in the My Pictures folder so I can test with that. As it's possible to have a poor or bad burn and the resulting data can be seen but not opened.

Best Regards,

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