Or, as usual, you can't trust a word Microsoft says cause it's always Subject To Change(tm): (I know, I am replying to an old post, but this isn't something MS just dreamed up in the last 15 minutes, they HAVE to know this will hurt-- at SOME level-- Xbox 360 sales as "bleeding edge but willing to wait for something better" people start sitting out and waited til after Christmas)
Yeah, but they said they weren't planning on releasing a version of the Xbox with a HD DVD drive in it.. not that they weren't going to sell an external HD DVD-ROM for it.
That sucker is gonna be expensive anyway. I'm guessing at least $300-$400.
Although, I personally have my doubts that this is anything more then a verbal backpeddle. I wouldn't be surprised if MS *DID* decide to support BluRay in the future, but much later on, when they're noticing they're losing market share because of it