dolphinius_rex wrote:
You know those crazy Yuken students... always planning the downfall of the U.S.
Yeah, just another case of our govenrment wasting time/money on stupid things.
I really wish they would start concentrating on the real issues, like current gas pricing (rising again for no damn reason), health care, and a myriad of others.
Instead we are monitoring HS kids and labeling them a threat to our security because they are demonstrating?
I could see if there was a group of HS kids from Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other known militant states scoping out national monuments/landmarks and really going out of their way to take pictures, notes, etc. At that point, maybe you question them and then draw your conclusion afterwards, but this is ridiculous.
I know we need to be more careful these days, but there really needs to be a line drawn. GW & the boys need to realize that just becasue someone thinks differently than you or doesn't believe the same things you do, does not make them an enemy of this country.