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Did I offend Nero developers with my question?

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Did I offend Nero developers with my question?

Postby bigblu91 on Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:46 am

I was wondering if I offended the developers with my post in the "Feedback Request on Nero 7 Issues from Users" thread. I've seen responses to other peoples problems(which I'm not minimizing) but no response to mine. The post is toward the end of page 2 and is discussing a problem with scanner communication and Paint Shop Pro.

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Postby Ian on Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:52 am

I doubt it. Others have been much more critical of Nero.

As it is, that thread is to gather information on various bugs. Unless they have a fix for you, I wouldn't expect a reply in that thread.
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Postby acidsex on Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:48 pm

I hope I offended them with my post as they have offended me and many others charging good money for a program that is still very much in early beta stages.
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:43 pm

Hi BigBlu91,

No, you have not offended us. :)

To be honest, we are still gathering information from these posting. Our Engineers will not be responding to these postings, but I will soon. I mostly have not responded to any in the feedback list yet because I'm waiting for some development on some of the issues in Germany. But mostly because there are so many and I need some time to go over them all, and preparing for CES is really taking up 90% of my time right now. But I will get around to it before the end of December.

And Acidsex,

Sorry, but you have not offended us either. :D

I will agree that we did not release Nero 7 in as solid a form as we would have prefered, and we are working long hours to address this.

I won't go into why Nero 7 was released before it was 100% ready to be released. But we are listenting to our users and the forums very closely to help bring Nero 7 to a preformance level equal to or better than Nero 6.6 currently is. And I hope our users have the patience to bare with us as we work our butts off to accomplish this as quickly as possible, without causing additional issues.

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Postby acidsex on Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:19 pm

Thank you Craig. Its nice to actually get a real response from someone :)

As I had said in my private message, your reply and politeness ( I apologize for not being very polite) has convinced me to remain a Nero customer. Hopefully the next update will fix all of the major bugs we have been seeing.

Do you any idea why stuff that worked in 6.6 doesnt work in 7? I am assuming someone made a mistake in the code somewhere but who knows. I am positive once the bugs get worked out, N7 will be what we were promised and sold.

Thank you again for responding.

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Postby bigblu91 on Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:42 pm

CCampbell wrote:I won't go into why Nero 7 was released before it was 100% ready to be released. But we are listenting to our users and the forums very closely to help bring Nero 7 to a preformance level equal to or better than Nero 6.6 currently is. And I hope our users have the patience to bare with us as we work our butts off to accomplish this as quickly as possible, without causing additional issues.

Best Regards,


Well, let me take a stab at it. Roxio/Sonic released their new version, so as to try not to lose business to Creator 8, Nero released this very sorry attempt to draw people in. I'm guessing they believe that once you spend your money you'll live with it and not buy Roxio since who can afford to purchase both.(I know, some of you can.) They also figure you won't remember these problems in 8 or 9 months when they release another version for us to upgrade to. From what I have read in a few places, this happened with version 6. I didn't know anything about that because I was a Roxio user. I liked, and still like, Nero 6.6 but I came late to that party so I guess most of the bugs were worked out.

The biggest aggrevation is that they didn't appear to me to inform people ahead of time about the known issues. These known issues aren't minor either. As it has been said before, this should be a beta release with strick warnings. If it hadn't been for me having a recent Ghost image, I would have been harsher in my post.

I finally did see yesterday that there are other complaints about scanners being broken(one of my problems) by Nero's installation. It wasn't here though, but at CD Freaks. Maybe there is something in this forum, but I didn't see it. I didn't try their solution yet because I haven't reinstalled 7 on my now freshly Ghosted system because I was waiting on a response and the fix gets pretty involved.

I really feal sorry for those that don't know much about computers and have someone recommend what they believe to be a great program only to find out it breaks their system. How much money are they going to be out to get back to normal? What taste are they going to have about Nero? Obviously Nero figures their present marketing is more beneficial in the end.
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Postby Justin42 on Wed Dec 07, 2005 6:14 pm

Yeah, this exact same thing happened with Nero 6. It was released in pretty sorry shape, and it took til (arguably) Nero 6.3 (a kind of forgotten version as 6.6 came fairly quick afterwards, IIRC) to get it back to as good as Nero 5.

I'm just happy I picked up my copy of Nero 7 during Best Buy's Black Friday sale.. free after rebate! Sounds like that's about what it's worth right now. But I'll be all set when Nero 7.7 fixes the problems. :) It's staying in the box for now...
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Postby Ian on Wed Dec 07, 2005 6:22 pm

Craig, does Nero do any beta testing? Roxio has done this for the last few versions of Easy Media Creator and the testers seem to find most of the bugs before the software ships. Given, this does give the world and the competition a sneak peak at your software. However, it would probably reduce the number of complaints from paying customers. Thoughts?
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Postby tazdevl on Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:32 am

I don't think I've ever met/come across a external beta tester. Probably just do internal or outsource it.

As Ian was suggesting, it might not be a bad idea to do an external beta Craig and be sure the pool is big enough.

Granted an external beta isn't a guarantee that the product will make it to market with significantly less bugs, they take a lot of work before, during and after to be of help.
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Postby CowboySlim on Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:52 am

We are all beta testers of something and everything.

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Postby CCampbell on Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:59 pm

As of today, I'm only aware of internal and outsource beta testing.

The main reason being that we have not setup a process for 'User' beta testing. We've only just reached 260 people in our company, so many of us have more than one hat on as it is. But we are making a number of changes, and we are creating new databases, so that in the near future I would hope this can change, so that we would be able to host the idea of having 'User' Beta testing and have the resources to handle such distribution and cataloging of feedback from 'User' Beta Testing.

With Nero 4 and Nero 5, this was never needed, as the program Suite was small enough that our process for beta testing was more than sufficent to ensure a solid release. But as many of you have mentioned, we now have so many programs in the suite, it's become quite a task to properly test them all.


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Postby tazdevl on Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:08 pm

CowboySlim wrote:We are all beta testers of something and everything.


LOL Slim... very true.

Though it is odd that with an app that has as large of an installed base as Nero, there isn't an external beta program.

Craig, I'd bet that you can make a case pretty easily for having an external beta based costs alone when you have a release that isn't up to standards. You could even outsource the beta program or bring in a contractor to do it internally (probably a better option).

But in the end... you need feedback from the end-user, not internal and outsourced testers to help refine the product... and it needs to be done before the product is released.
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Postby CCampbell on Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:29 pm

Hi Tazdevl,

I fully agree with you. And this is something I will work on, and you can be sure that this topic will be or has been read by many from Nero. :-)

P.S. Just wanted to let you know we have our Engineers checking the issues posted on the Nero 7 Feedback on a daily bassis. So even if you are not getting a response from me yet, it is being looked into by our Team in Germany.


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