CCampbell wrote:I won't go into why Nero 7 was released before it was 100% ready to be released. But we are listenting to our users and the forums very closely to help bring Nero 7 to a preformance level equal to or better than Nero 6.6 currently is. And I hope our users have the patience to bare with us as we work our butts off to accomplish this as quickly as possible, without causing additional issues.
Best Regards,
Well, let me take a stab at it. Roxio/Sonic released their new version, so as to try not to lose business to Creator 8, Nero released this very sorry attempt to draw people in. I'm guessing they believe that once you spend your money you'll live with it and not buy Roxio since who can afford to purchase both.(I know, some of you can.) They also figure you won't remember these problems in 8 or 9 months when they release another version for us to upgrade to. From what I have read in a few places, this happened with version 6. I didn't know anything about that because I was a Roxio user. I liked, and still like, Nero 6.6 but I came late to that party so I guess most of the bugs were worked out.
The biggest aggrevation is that they didn't appear to me to inform people ahead of time about the known issues. These known issues aren't minor either. As it has been said before, this should be a beta release with strick warnings. If it hadn't been for me having a recent Ghost image, I would have been harsher in my post.
I finally did see yesterday that there are other complaints about scanners being broken(one of my problems) by Nero's installation. It wasn't here though, but at CD Freaks. Maybe there is something in this forum, but I didn't see it. I didn't try their solution yet because I haven't reinstalled 7 on my now freshly Ghosted system because I was waiting on a response and the fix gets pretty involved.
I really feal sorry for those that don't know much about computers and have someone recommend what they believe to be a great program only to find out it breaks their system. How much money are they going to be out to get back to normal? What taste are they going to have about Nero? Obviously Nero figures their present marketing is more beneficial in the end.