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BenQ DW1640 with BSMB problems


BenQ DW1640 with BSMB problems

Postby Goodfella_no4 on Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:49 pm

I have burnt some discs, both CD-R and DVD-R (not +R), and whenever I try to test them with Nero, I get the "Unrecovered read error", using Transfer Rate Test. I can't make an image using Nero or Alcohol. But the disc is read fine and can be copied and pasted using Windows.

What is the fate of such discs?
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Postby eric93se on Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:37 pm

what part of nero are you using to test the disc? Don't forget that the disc has to get ejected once to refresh the drive.

What media are you using? that's probably the problem.

Also with crappy media you have some choices to make them burn MUCH better, first is to play with wopc and solid burn with the Qsuite utility from benq. Second is to use a utility called MCSE (media code speed edit) from the all mighty ala42 (google it), this utility allows you to swap writing strategies for one that will give far better results. Even high quality media can be burned with better results by swapping out its write strategy.
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Postby Halc on Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:51 am

Beware that with DW1640 you may produce quite subpar burns on even quality CD-R discs. It's not a stellar performer on cd-r burning, imho.

As for the fate of the discs: if they remain unreadable in your Benq, they are more than likely unreadable (i.e. useless) on almost any other consumer level dvd-r drive (sans perhaps some LiteOn models).
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Postby Goodfella_no4 on Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:17 am

I am using Transfer Rate test. The DVDs are Samsung DVD-R (at 4x). The CDs are Sony (at 40x).

I have both Solidburn and WOPC enabled.

I also get a ZERO on the disc quality test!
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Postby Ian on Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:22 am


Is it possible that this drive is a lemon? You've been having problems with it since day one.
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Postby eric93se on Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:38 pm

Goodfella_no4 wrote:I am using Transfer Rate test. The DVDs are Samsung DVD-R (at 4x). The CDs are Sony (at 40x).

I have both Solidburn and WOPC enabled.

I also get a ZERO on the disc quality test!

I get poor but acceptable burns at 4x, the burner really shines at 12x for me. Personally I get the best results with SB off/off and wopc off.

I don't think a transfer rate test is sufficient to get the best out of your drive, you have to use the quality scan and make systematic changes with SB, WOPC, burn speed, and the writing strategy :D

what media are you using??
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Postby Goodfella_no4 on Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:26 am

eric93se wrote:
Goodfella_no4 wrote:I am using Transfer Rate test. The DVDs are Samsung DVD-R (at 4x). The CDs are Sony (at 40x).

I have both Solidburn and WOPC enabled.

I also get a ZERO on the disc quality test!

I get poor but acceptable burns at 4x, the burner really shines at 12x for me. Personally I get the best results with SB off/off and wopc off.

I don't think a transfer rate test is sufficient to get the best out of your drive, you have to use the quality scan and make systematic changes with SB, WOPC, burn speed, and the writing strategy :D

what media are you using??

Samsung DVD-R 8x but I write at 4x because Qtest says that 8x is not recommended. There are no 16x discs in my country, yet!
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Postby Goodfella_no4 on Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:33 am

Ian wrote:Goodfella,

Is it possible that this drive is a lemon? You've been having problems with it since day one.

Yes, it may be. But what do I say to the warranty guys. The errors are in 4 out of 18 discs I have burnt (DVD-R). And about 3-4 out of 15 CD-Rs.

I don't know. But everyone recommends DVD-R over +R. I got NO errors when using +R except once, when I was writing at 8x, for real. And the disc is perfectly readable in Transfer Rate Test. Not like those -R that don't completes the test in the first place. I guess I'll be using +R discs from now on.
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Postby eric93se on Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:34 am

Goodfella_no4 wrote:
eric93se wrote:
Goodfella_no4 wrote:I am using Transfer Rate test. The DVDs are Samsung DVD-R (at 4x). The CDs are Sony (at 40x).

I have both Solidburn and WOPC enabled.

I also get a ZERO on the disc quality test!

I get poor but acceptable burns at 4x, the burner really shines at 12x for me. Personally I get the best results with SB off/off and wopc off.

I don't think a transfer rate test is sufficient to get the best out of your drive, you have to use the quality scan and make systematic changes with SB, WOPC, burn speed, and the writing strategy :D

what media are you using??

Samsung DVD-R 8x but I write at 4x because Qtest says that 8x is not recommended. There are no 16x discs in my country, yet!

Don't bother with Qscan, it gives inaccurate results IMO. If it passed a disc at 8x, it would burn with bad results. If it failed a disc at 12x, it would burn with good results.

The brand name doesn't tell us who manufactuered the disc, use nero cd dvd speed 'Disc info' to identify the MID code, you can also use dvdinfopro.
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Postby Goodfella_no4 on Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:17 pm

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:51 pm

I'm going to say it again:

The problem is *NOT* the media used. I know the media he's using, and it burns 100% fine on the DW1640. The OPTODISC0R8 has a bit of a transfer rate issue around the 3/4 point, but the disc is more or less fine (that's being tested in multiple multiple drives!)

The problem here, or at least the main symptom, is the fact that EVERY disc is held back to 4x with only one or two exceptions. This is our biggest clue! On top of that, SolidBurn is not working properly, which is *NOT* a common or likely problem for this drive.

I say give RMA'ing the drive a try. You can say it doesn't burn any media at 8x, except once or twice and then the disc doesn't work properly.
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Postby Goodfella_no4 on Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:28 pm

Hello, dolphinius_rex,

I am going to burn a disc at 8x just to see things again. Should I keep Solidburn and WOPC on or off?

What's RMA by the way?
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Postby Bhairav on Sun Nov 20, 2005 12:28 am

RMA = Return to Manufacturer Authorisation or something. Basically, return your drive under warranty to your dealer and get a replacement free of cost.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:31 am

Goodfella_no4 wrote:Hello, dolphinius_rex,

I am going to burn a disc at 8x just to see things again. Should I keep Solidburn and WOPC on or off?

What's RMA by the way?

You shouldn't need SolidBurn (but it doesn't seem to be helping you anyways). But WOPC should be left on for sure. There's almost never a reason to turn that off.
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Postby Dartman on Sun Nov 20, 2005 3:37 pm

Solid burn can help the quality of the disk by setting the proper burn strategy from what I've read about it. It does seem to help some of my marginal disks.
Sometimes turning of the WOPC can also help, or hurt, good or bad disks. mostly it helps reduce the speed of burn and if the disk is truly good quality it will still come out OK.
I have tried of and on and it depends on the particular disk, most of the time I leave it all on, disk quality varies so much now I think they can use all the help they can get.
It does sound like you have a lemon drive unless those dvd disk you use are just horrible quality, try a known ty/yuden disk and if it still doesn't burn that well the drive is bad I'd think. Mine loves TY media, does 8x at 12 with excellent results, can do 16 also with good results.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:25 pm

Dartman wrote:It does sound like you have a lemon drive unless those dvd disk you use are just horrible quality, try a known ty/yuden disk and if it still doesn't burn that well the drive is bad I'd think. Mine loves TY media, does 8x at 12 with excellent results, can do 16 also with good results.

He has said previously he can't get TY...
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Postby Dartman on Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:34 pm

Guess I didn't read it all the way through, lessee, verbatim MCC type media also works pretty well, maxell works OK. The last batch of Sony Plus media I got here in the US at Best Buy was Japan yuden T02 I think if he can find any of that. Hope he either gets it sorted or a new drive that does work [-o<
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