rdgrimes wrote:I think what you mean is that your Benq gives you the results you want to see. There's no such thing as "realistic" or "unrealistic" error scans. They are what the are, in whatever drive is used.
Without getting too hung on accurate terms, I also wouldn't trust LiteOn DVD-scans (or any single dvd burner scans).
Why not LiteOn?
They can produce nice graphs even when the disc is at less than good in many other drives (or even down to unreadable).
I have a test set of c. 280 scans (done with seven drives on a multitude of discs) that shows this statistically.
Also, their scans on CD discs are unrealistic.
I have scans from LiteOn dvd-burners that show they returned 0 C1 for a disc read. This is highly unlikely. I'd be eager to say: impossible.
As such, I'm more inclined to side with the argument Doplhinius_rex is making here.
Don't trust a single burner and if you do, remember that LiteOn will most likely give you too optimistic result (compared to a general performance of a large batch of drives).