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Lite-On LTR-52327S in this day and age

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Lite-On LTR-52327S in this day and age

Postby dodecahedron on Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:02 pm

here's the discussion that was originally in this topic.
i moved it here since it was getting to be just about the LTR-52327S and not on the newer drives anymore.


OK i guess i don't care how good the SOHR-5239S is any more.
just scored another LTR-52327S :D

when the two i have now will die, then we'll see..
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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:21 pm

the beige retail LTR-52327S drive that i have has the curved bezel, and looks just like in this pic.


however my new black OEM LTR-52327S has a totally flat bezel with no LITEON logo or 52x32x52x logo. on the other hand it has 2 (!) Compact Disc logos - one embeded onto the tray, the other painted (silkscreened?) below it. the one on the tray says Ultra Speed, the second says Ultra Speed + :o
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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:25 pm

a point not previously mentioned in this topic:
the LTR-52327S does CDRWs at 32x PCAV.
the newer models SOHR-5238S, 5239S, 5239V do CDRWs at 32x ZCLV.
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Postby MediumRare on Thu Oct 13, 2005 4:26 pm

dodecahedron wrote:it has 2 (!) Compact Disc logos - one embeded onto the tray, the other painted (silkscreened?) below it. the one on the tray says Ultra Speed, the second says Ultra Speed + :o

It looks like they're using up an old stock of trays.

Did you pick up this drive new or used? I dread the day when my 48246S starts to malfunction. It's been such a wonderful drive and the DVD burners don't seem to be up to it in writing or scanning properties (e.g. BenQ doesn't report C2's at all).

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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:37 pm

it's the entire bezel, not just the tray.
the curved shaped bulging extends from the tray to the sides of the bezel.
also, beneath the center of the tray there's a small depression.
my black 52327S's tray and bezel are totally flat.

the drive i got is new, but the supplier's stock might be old (well, it has to be if he's selling 52327Ss!).
do you want me to get you one ? :D

I dread the day when my 48246S starts to malfunction. It's been such a wonderful drive and the DVD burners don't seem to be up to it in writing or scanning properties

nor other CD-RW drives, nor the new 52x Lite-On CD-RWs.
that's exactly why i bought now a 2nd 52327S. :D =D>
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Postby MediumRare on Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:58 pm

dodecahedron wrote:do you want me to get you one ? :D

Thanks for the offer, but I suspect the shipping charges would scuttle that deal- unless you're willing to bring it in exchange for a beer? :wink:

I'm afraid I'll have to take my chances- it's done over 500 CD's and at least 100 CD-RW burns to date.

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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:11 pm

who said it was a deal?
i paid 170 shekels for it.
today's exchange rate is 5.5873 shekels to the Euro, so that's roughly 30 Euro. shipping has to be added.
but the deal is that it's a LTR-52327S drive !!!
i bet that's not so easy to get !
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Postby MediumRare on Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:29 pm

dodecahedron wrote:who said it was a deal?

My understanding of a deal is an agreement or contract. I guess in general it now stands for a good deal :o.

I just checked at geizhals (German for cheapskate) and there are apparently still lots around (similar price to what you payed), just not at the shops I usually check. The Plextor Premium is gone now, which is why I started to get interested in this.

But you can still drop by for a beer! :D

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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:31 pm

you're right, i guess i thought of the word that way because you said shipping costs would scuttle it.

interesting that the 52327S is still to be had. i'd have thought it would be much harder, after all it's out of production for quite a while now.

i'd love to (drop by for a beer that is), but the fare of a Tel Aviv - Frankfurt ticket is a bit pricy, alas :wink:
i'll take a raincheck though.
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Postby MediumRare on Sat Oct 15, 2005 5:31 pm

dodecahedron wrote:interesting that the 52327S is still to be had. i'd have thought it would be much harder, after all it's out of production for quite a while now.

I just did a little market research. And the dominant smily is this one: :o

Looks like the LTR-52327S isn't available after all. :o And that may be a warning to users of search machines like Geizhals to check the details. Here's what the shops that have the retail version in stock have:
  • the first 2 hits (e-Bug and Norsk-IT) share the same inventory. The actual description is "LTR-52327S/SOHR-5238s" :evil:
  • the next one show "52x32x52x int Atapi Retail", no model number
  • No. 4 really offers a SOHR-5238S-01C
  • the next one is apparently a LTR-52246S-02YC (!!! :o), but it's the only LiteOn CD-burner they carry
  • and finally we have a "Lite On 52/32/52 intern Kit" without additional details

Among the bulk drives, most are variations of the retail version (often more expensive :o). One has no details, but an initial availability date of 9 Sept. 2004 (which obviously isn't a 7S drive).

So I'm going to have to do some heavy thinking about your offer. (:o again)

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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:26 pm

well, after reading your post i'd thought maybe things are a little better in Germany than in Israel, as far as accuracy of website listings. German pedantness (sp?) - in Israel 'Yeke' is a slang for a pedant. 'Yeke' really means someone who came to Israel from Germany :lol

here, most websites only list something like: "Lite-On 52x".
one website where i've done some shopping, i called them up to ask what model i'd actually be getting and they tell me they can't say, they don't hold it in stock. they couldn't tell me which model i'd be getting till i make the order and they get the drive! catch 22 :x

another place actually had 52327S listed, and when i called them to ask the sales-guy claimed their website is indeed up to date. when i voiced my skepticism he offered to call up the supplier, and the answer was that it is indeed 52327S. so i placed the order.
i was still a bit apprehensive that despite what the supplier had said, i'd be getting a SOHR-5238S/5239S, but no it worked out fine. :P
LOL just checked them again, they have 52327S in stock. apparently when i made my purchase, they ordered a few from the supplier.

MediumRare wrote:I just did a little market research. And the dominant smily is this one: :o

Looks like the LTR-52327S isn't available after all. :o And that may be a warning to users of search machines like Geizhals to check the details. Here's what the shops that have the retail version in stock have:
  • the first 2 hits (e-Bug and Norsk-IT) share the same inventory. The actual description is "LTR-52327S/SOHR-5238s" :evil:
  • the next one show "52x32x52x int Atapi Retail", no model number
  • No. 4 really offers a SOHR-5238S-01C
  • the next one is apparently a LTR-52246S-02YC (!!! :o), but it's the only LiteOn CD-burner they carry
  • and finally we have a "Lite On 52/32/52 intern Kit" without additional details
Among the bulk drives, most are variations of the retail version (often more expensive :o). One has no details, but an initial availability date of 9 Sept. 2004 (which obviously isn't a 7S drive).

So I'm going to have to do some heavy thinking about your offer. (:o again)

actually the LTR-52246S is a good drive, arguably better than the 52327S (unless 32x CD-RW burning is important to you. i guess that's true for precious few people). but the chances of getting one are even slimmer than a 7S.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:42 pm

the beige bezel looks like the one in Ian's review, minus the Lite-On logo


the black one looks like this.
maybe not very clear in the picture, but like i said perfectly flat.
bezel.JPG (83.07 KiB) Viewed 9001 times
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Postby MediumRare on Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:02 pm

dodecahedron wrote:in Israel 'Yeke' is a slang for a pedant. 'Yeke' really means someone who came to Israel from Germany :lol

Now this is interesting. In consideration of my new attribute I'll go into a bit of detail. Frankly, I think your slang is rather fitting. :D

Now, in Germany Jecken (pronounced the same) usually refers to residents of Cologne and neighbouring parts of the Rhineland, in particular when they go ga-ga during Carnival, especially the last week, just before Lent starts (and then especially on Monday, "Rosenmontag"). The term originally referred to a fool or court jester and now means a fool or crazy, mad, weird. I wouldn't be surprised if the terms are etymologically related.

dodecahedron wrote:actually the LTR-52246S is a good drive, arguably better than the 52327S (unless 32x CD-RW burning is important to you. i guess that's true for precious few people).

Yeah, it's essentially the same drive as my LTR-48246S (in fact, I could crossflash my drive, but never bothered). I have one Verbatim 32x CD-RW which I bought last year to see what my drive would say (the answer was Image ), so I'm not bothered on that score.
dodecahedron wrote:but the chances of getting one are even slimmer than a 7S.

Frankly I think that that shop was even lazier than the rest- they just didn't bother to update the description in the last 3 years.

But I think I've got an idea now what to do for a backup drive. My computer at work has a Sony CRX220E1 installed, which is an OEM 5246S. I'll talk to our admin and reserve it when this rig is replaced/retired in a year or two (the drive doesn't see much use). If necessary, I'll replace it with a different drive. That should do me, I guess. :D

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Postby Harrier on Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:57 pm

Aloha, been a while..
Look, i didn't get a few things here:

1. The overall theorem is that the newSOHR-5238S, 5239S drives are inferior in performance or write quality than the LTR52327S?

2. Dodecahedron, did you get a seconed LTR52327S just out of futuristic perspectives (where all quality drive are bygone)?

3. Does it look like the LTR52327S you got is different in any other way than your old LTR52327S? Have you got to execute some burns/scans with the new drive?

Going a bit off-topic here (sorry in advance) - Dodecahedron and any other LTR52327S users, Do you witness K-Probe scancs where the begining of the CD-R (Min. 20 or so) infers high C1 error figures (example attached).

Dodecahedron, I just might get me an alternative drive like you did.
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Postby CowboySlim on Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:13 pm

Gee Wiz, mine is still in the box from the Best Buy deal of 2 years ago.

I'm still using the Memorex badged LiteOn 52x 24x 52x, it won't quit.

I downloaded several of the FWs for the LTR-52327S. Which do you folks like best? QSOB? QSOC?

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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:48 am

Harrier wrote:Aloha, been a while..

@Harrier: Aloha to you too :)
Shana Tova, Gmar KHatima Tova, Mo'adim Lesimkha, etc. etc. the whole array of seasonal greetings to you.

as for your questions:
1. as i understand it, yes. write quality is apparently not as good as the 52327S, according to some topics @ cdfreaks.

2. that's just it.

3. externally, they're not identical - color and bezel.
the new one isn't installed yet so i haven't had the chance to test it yet. hopefully will do it soon.

i bought it at the same store you bought your LTR-52246S. BTW thanks for introducing me to that store. they're quite a good store and i did quite a bit of my shopping there.
i've discovered another very good store since - Noa Computers, and did some shopping there. but this LTR i bought at Lamir for the reasons i gave above.
if you go there talk with Shmuel, he's very nice and helpful. tell him hi from me (you can also tell him you're the one who referred me to them
:) )
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Postby vinnie97 on Mon Oct 17, 2005 3:59 am

(unless 32x CD-RW burning is important to you. i guess that's true for precious few people).

I have rarely, if ever, been called precious before. :oops:
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Oct 17, 2005 4:31 am

you're welcome :D

i too use 32x CD-RWs.
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Postby Harrier on Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:33 am

dodecahedron wrote:you're welcome :D

i too use 32x CD-RWs.

And where might I be getting some 32X US-RW action?

Anyway, glad you found Lamir to be of a good service.. I will use the credit of referring you there when i get the chance.
By the way, did they have the LTR 52327S in white too?
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:33 am

the 32x CDRWs i imported from the US.

according to the website they have 52327S in silver (!) and black, 5239S in beige (what you're probably referring to as white).
i only asked them about the black 52327S and the guy checked their supplier and verified that it is indeed 52327s, so i don't know if this is true for the silver too.
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Postby vinnie97 on Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:24 am

Here are a few US etail outlets with 32Xers in stock: http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getp ... d=1576480/

The price has risen since I last made a purchase a year or 2 ago...when I purchased them from buy.com who seemingly no longer have them in stock. :cry:
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Postby Jim on Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:28 pm

I was in the local Microcenter today and they had 10 packs of the Verbatim 32X CD-RW in the 700 MB (80 min) version. They are slim line cased discs packaged in a box. Price was $13.99 and the UPC is 023942951728. The product is featured on Verbatim's website. This is the first time I've seen the 80 min (700 MB) 32x CD-RW discs available in the USA at a retail store. We've had the 650 MB versions available for a while.

Here it is on Microcenter's website: http://www.microcenter.com/single_produ ... id=0201256

K-probe says it is Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC).

Works ok in my LTR-52327S with QS0B firmware.

Just a FYI for others in the US.

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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:01 pm

nice :D
i'd be getting some...
that is if i didn't have a 10-box of 650MB 32x CDRWs, and a 10-box of 650MB 24x CDRWs, and that's not counting the 10x CDRWs i've got (all Verbatim of course).
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Postby CowboySlim on Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:21 am

I've got a box of the Verbatim 32xers sitting right here that I got from BUY.com. Use 'em in my Memorex badged LTR-52246S without a problem. Never have installed the 52327S that I bought from BestBuy about 2 years ago when they had that $10, AMIR, deal.
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Postby MediumRare on Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:14 pm

CowboySlim wrote:I've got a box of the Verbatim 32xers sitting right here that I got from BUY.com. Use 'em in my Memorex badged LTR-52246S without a problem.

Are you talking about CD-RW's? How do you do that?

Your drive has the same hardware as my LTR-48246S and it most certainly can't write to 32x CD-RW's (suggested speed is 2x, and it then aborts).

I recall reading somewhere that the laser has to be pulsed at twice the frequency for the UltraSpeedPlus (32x) media, and I don't think that that can be added by firmware. Each step to higher RW speeds (4x, 10x, 24x, 32x) has been via technology change.

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