dodecahedron wrote:in Israel 'Yeke' is a slang for a pedant. 'Yeke' really means someone who came to Israel from Germany :lol
Now this is interesting. In consideration of
my new attribute I'll go into a bit of detail. Frankly, I think your slang is rather fitting.
Now, in Germany
Jecken (pronounced the same) usually refers to residents of Cologne and neighbouring parts of the Rhineland, in particular when they go ga-ga during Carnival, especially the last week, just before Lent starts (and then especially on Monday, "Rosenmontag"). The term originally referred to a fool or court jester and now means a fool or crazy, mad, weird. I wouldn't be surprised if the terms are etymologically related.
dodecahedron wrote:actually the LTR-52246S is a good drive, arguably better than the 52327S (unless 32x CD-RW burning is important to you. i guess that's true for precious few people).
Yeah, it's essentially the same drive as my LTR-48246S (in fact, I could crossflash my drive, but never bothered). I have
one Verbatim 32x CD-RW which I bought last year to see what my drive would say (the answer was

), so I'm not bothered on that score.
dodecahedron wrote:but the chances of getting one are even slimmer than a 7S.
Frankly I think that
that shop was even lazier than the rest- they just didn't bother to update the description in the last 3 years.
But I think I've got an idea now what to do for a backup drive. My computer at work has a Sony CRX220E1 installed, which is an OEM 5246S. I'll talk to our admin and reserve it when this rig is replaced/retired in a year or two (the drive doesn't see much use). If necessary, I'll replace it with a different drive. That should do me, I guess.