I'm trying to set up a file/folder backup using Back-it-up. I have Nero installed. I've selected the c:\documents and settings folder to be backed up, and de-selected a few unneeded folders like Temp and temporary internet files. Also de-selected default user and local service and network service. The target is a DVD-RW drive (Benq 1640) with a blank +R disk. I also have a filter to skip all *.tmp files.
The total size of the documents and settings folder is 1.8G. The backup started, and wrote to the DVD in the drive, then prompted for a 2nd disk. I llooked at the first disc, only half of it was written to. I inserted a 2nd blank, and it wrote to that for a minute or so, then ejected it and prompted for the 3rd disk, when I aborted the backup. Looking at the 2nd disc, it wrote just enough to make it useless for anything else.
So why can't back-it-up make 1.8G fit onto a 4.7G blank disc?