I've been using 8X -R Verbs (MCC02RG20) for some time now, about 150 of them. I bought them from
SVP, and only got made in Singapore or made in Taiwan Verbs from them. Always good results with these discs, not a single coaster, not TY-like quality scans but cheaper than TY and quite reliable and stable. Trouble-free operation @8X and even @12X with Benq 1620, Pioneer 109 and NEC 3540A, and @1X with JVC DR-M10 (standalone recorder).
Recently SVP stopped shipping to Belgium , and I wanted to buy some more of these Verbs, so I ordered 4 25-discs spindles from
MMD (Luxembourg).
What I received are the worst discs I've ever used as yet. I don't know if it's a coincidence, but these are my first "made in India" Verbs.
These discs have visible dye defects, 3 failed to burn out of 10 I've tried (from 2 spindles), video discs stutter during playback and the Qscans are apalling.
The worst part is that after having been used to SVP's customer service, dealing with MMD has been a strange experience. They did'nt send any shipping confirmation, they take 48 hours to reply to emails, they're inconsistant in their replies, and though they accept to exchange the spindles, they don't want to refund the shipping costs for the return of the goods!! For defective discs, I think these are not fair commercial practises, no Sir!
I'm done with MMD, they don't seem to care at all about "small" customers. I've ordered some of these recent TYG02 Verbatims from Digitalpromo.
See details, pictures and quality scans of these defective Verbatims HERE.