stix wrote:
I would most appreciate if anyone can point me to a thread or other info on how to read the MID.
OKay for a biased answer use DVD-identifier located at Just install and the thing should be so easy that you could use it withouth much problems. Afterall to supporting it I also should be able to use it.
But you also could use DVDinfopro or NERO CDSPEED.
So any reason to recommend the install of DVD identifier a long with NERO CDSPEED which can test your media with your benq drive. Well fact is that DVD identifier can identify more obscure codes.
plus I'd like to learn how to read the charts and graphs that are in all the reviews here at the labs.
Ask what you want and don't forget to read the ecma standards ... ma-337.htm for DVD+R
and ... ma-338.htm for DVD-R
and ... ma-267.htmfor dvd-rom
I mean the pdf documents linked on these pages not the small pages were I linked to.
And start doing some of my own graphing, etc. (OK don't laugh too hard, I just want to learn). I have Nero (Yamaha F1) installed currently, and Nero OEM suite which came with the BenQ plus downloaded updates, and Nero OEM 6.6.08. Also have downloaded all the BenQ software stuff, and latest firmware that came out yesterday.
I recommend not usseing 6.6.08 version incombination with +R because that version has been very problematic for me and some friends. It seems to make that the burned DVD+R disc's are quite unreadable on some drives. (And no this isn't because of the bad quality of media or just bad support of a manufacturer. We are talking about Taiyo Yuden, Mitsubishi, Ritek, CMC Magnetics in this case.)
Slightly more on topic, if the media does indeed turn out to be SONYD21, is this stuff any good?
Well on the asian boards it was higly liked.
In the tests of the german magazine C't ( see the sticky summary topic on this board ) the the media didn't performed that well on some points.
Now this can be related to at which place it was manufactured or it can be a batch variation.
The asian boards have the japanese stuff and C't tested the made in Austria stuff.[/url]