A mere rise of about 1 degree F in the average sea surface temperature will cause the number of hurricanes to rise several fold. There has been correlation established for this, and looking at the 1985-1994 period vs. 1995-2004 period, it's strikingly clear. So rising sea temperatures are PROVEN to cause a significant increase in hurricane activity.
What is not proven is the cause of this temperature rise. Indeed, this pattern seems to be cyclical with a period of multiple decades. There were several decades when the temperatures were high, and then several decades when it dropped, and starting in the mid-90's, the temperatures rose again. And yes, hurricane activity is correlated with these historical trends.
So it's hard to say if the current rise in sea temperatures is just a part of the natural cycle, if it is man-made, or if it is a combination of both. I would venture a guess that it's a combination of both, but it's hard to say how significant (or insignificant) man's role in that combination is. What we do know is that the global weather system is extremely sensitive, and that a minor change of just one degree F can increase hurricane activity by several-fold, so although we don't know how much man's role in this is, it certainly won't hurt to try to minimize our impact, just in case. Better safe than sorry, as one would say.
I'm usually not one to go around screaming about how the sky is falling down, but if it's possible to be careful when playing with fire, why not do so, just to be on the safe side? There's a certain unnecessary wanton recklessness that I am reminded of every day when I drive past huge SUVs and Hummers with just one person inside.
dolphinius_rex wrote:the movie "the day after tomorrow"
Didn't quite like the movie because it is so cheesy and because it exaggerates things sooooo much (well, it's Hollywood). I think that the exaggeration probably hurt its message a lot because I would imagine that are probably a number of people who come out of the theatre thinking that their suspicion that environmentalists are full of shit have just been confirmed, which I think is very unfortunate. The upside is that a certain actress is... well, worth looking at.