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Pacific Digital 16x16 - or Memorex?


Pacific Digital 16x16 - or Memorex?

Postby thegdog on Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:44 pm

Trying to find out if a list exists of all the different drives that might be in the Pacific Digital 16x16 boxes. Does anyone know if one exists? (I remember the one for the PD 8x8 boxes. Its how I got my NEC ND2500A.)

I did a search on here and someone said that there was a list on FatWallet.com, but not matter how I searched, I couldn't find one.

A friend of mine won't order online, so I can't get him to buy an NEC or BenQ bulk drive from NewEgg or some place else. And I've heard that both NEC and BenQ drives were being used by Pacific Digital, so I'd like to find out how I can ensure he gets one.

Also, are there any other remarkers who are using those drives? I heard Memorex has ND-3540 drives in their boxes. Is that correct? Anyone know which of their models is the NEC drive?

Thanks for any help.
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Postby Ian on Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:52 pm

At one point Memorex was using the 3520A, but switched to the Lite-On 1673S. It's pretty easy to tell by looking at the box.

The only company I know of that is for sure using the 3540A is Mad Dog.
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Postby thegdog on Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:55 pm

Ian wrote:At one point Memorex was using the 3520A, but switched to the Lite-On 1673S. It's pretty easy to tell by looking at the box.

How so? Are there different drive pics on the box? Or did they get helpful and do a "Drive by NEC" sticker? (I actually saw those on some no-name drive in Fry's not too long ago. Of course, it was "Drive by Panasonic" and I kept walking.)

Thanks Ian.
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Postby Ian on Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:10 pm

thegdog wrote: (I actually saw those on some no-name drive in Fry's not too long ago. Of course, it was "Drive by Panasonic" and I kept walking.)

Hammer-Storage? I have yet to see any of their drives for sale anywhere.

For the Memorex drives, look at the picture of the drive on the box. You can tell what's what by looking at the bezel.
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Postby thegdog on Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:11 pm

Ian wrote:Hammer-Storage? I have yet to see any of their drives for sale anywhere.

Yeah, that was them!

Fry's Electronics stores have them. Only a few on the shelf, but probably a good hundred, hundred fifty on a stand up display.
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