Since I am a total newbie when it comes to DVD (at least regarding all the scans) can someone explain what would be the best option for me. I am thinking of upgrading my DVD-burner. I tend to buy TY media due to their reputation for being the "best", and the BenQ 1640 seems well regarded overall, so I am considering getting it as well. But with the issue raised about the TY G03 media raised, I am not sure what media to get.
Is it better to get TY G03 and burn at 16x? 8x?
Or should I get the TY G02 (saving a few quid in the process) and burn at 16x? 8x?
How about 8x TY DVD+R?
The answer is probably in those graphs, but I don't want to misinterprete those.
I don't mind burning at slower speed if it result in better quality. Actually, quality is all I am concerned about, and if there is another drive that is more compatible with G03 or G02, I would like to know about it.