OK, just got me a brand spanking new S754 Athlon 64 3700+. Now I need a video card. Main games: Far Cry (64-bit version!), Doom 3, Painkiller. Maybe BF2 soon.
PCI-E or AGP...doesn't matter (haven't got the mobo yet so can go nF3 or nF4).
I'm thinking a 6800GT ($284). It right around the price range I want and should be plenty fast. And fairly cheap thanks to the 7800GTX
At the same time, I don't want to be limited by the video card, either. I don't want to get a 7800GTX, since it's CPU-limited even with an FX-57
Just need a good match for my proc. I would consider a 6800 Ultra if the prices come down a bit more, or a 7800GT if they hurry up and arrive. Can't wait too much longer, though (hey, this 300MHz K6-2 is getting, um, "annoying." Shouldn't have sold my old P4).
Oh: as for ATI, I'd consider one...but kinda want HDR for Far Cry...and current ATI cards can't do that. Otherwise the X800XL would be a good choice.