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Burn pictures to be taken to walgreens to print

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Burn pictures to be taken to walgreens to print

Postby b_atkinson on Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:56 am

I've figured out nerovision for dvd's and photoshows to be viewed on dvd player.

Now, I am trying to figure out what program to use so that my girlfriend can burn pictures to cd and take them to walgreens to have them proffessionally printed.

In the past I would make cd's into drag and drop storage and have her take them to walgreens. However, that was before I had nero 6.6 and incd.

So, what is the easiest way for me to get the pics on a cd/r in a format that Walgreens can use via their computer system.

All help is greatly appreciated.
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Postby Ian on Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:56 am

Use Nero and create a standard, non-multisession Mode 1 CD. Just take all of your pictures and throw them into the compilation. Burn and make sure its finalized. This should give you maximum compatibility.
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:08 am

yeah, and don't use InCD.

but a simpler way of doing that is using a flash-disk. :)
Last edited by dodecahedron on Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby b_atkinson on Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:12 am

what is a flash disk? I am bad with the tech lingo. Isn't there a program, say nerovision verses nerovision express verses etc. etc. in 6.6 that I can use? If so, what is the easiest to accomplish this task. I ran into problems with Incd4 with her in the past. I had problems with my recorder etc. It is a new laptop but I just want it to be as simple as I can make.
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:23 am

a flash-disk (or maybe i should've called is a USB flash drive) is a small device based on flash memory that acts like a disk drive when connected to the computer, you can transfer files by drag-n-drop just like you do on hard drives. it's very small and compact. so you can just drag your files to it and disconnect it from the computer, and take it to have the photos developed. no need for the "burning" process.
look here to get an idea:
USB flash drives at Newegg

if you want to burn to CD, you can use Nero Express. it's part of the Nero 6.6 suite, and it has a user friendly interface similar to that of NeroVision.
in the main screen choose Data > Data Disc, drag all the pics into the window, click Next, in the next window choose the recording speed, click the More button and choose Write Method to be Disc-at-once. then click Burn.

or use the "regular" Nero Burning ROM interface and follow Ian's instructions. you can find more detailed instructions here
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no usb use at walgreens

Postby b_atkinson on Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:43 am

well, I called the photo department at the walgreens store and they don't accept usb. They only take, cd/floppy, picture cards.
SO, I guess I will teach her how to drag them to the picture card and then take them up there so that I don't have to use up cd's for one time use.
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Re: no usb use at walgreens

Postby dodecahedron on Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:04 pm

b_atkinson wrote:well, I called the photo department at the walgreens store and they don't accept usb. They only take, cd/floppy, picture cards.
SO, I guess I will teach her how to drag them to the picture card and then take them up there so that I don't have to use up cd's for one time use.

they don't take USB? i can only say they s*ck.
but about those pictures, where do they come from? are they from a digital camera? because if so (most likely), you don't have to transfer to the computer at all! just take the card out of the camera and give it to have the pics developed.
of course you may want to transfer to the computer first to select only some pics or edit them first...
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Postby b_atkinson on Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:09 pm

I agree, they s**k. I will do as you suggested. I'll use the card to travel to and from the photo store. I think I will look around for a place that takes usb and get one.
Thanks again!
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