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Texas here I come. New job.

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Texas here I come. New job.

Postby wicked1 on Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:37 pm

I am leaving for texas this week to start a new job as an OTR truck driver. Cant wait with a doubling of my best paying jobs salary. I will have to get a laptop and some nice external enclosures or build a custom one and use my bridgeboards I have now for firewire. I have 11 weeks of training before I get a day off which will be kinda rough. I got back together with my wife after our divorce was finalized so I'm not liable for her at the moment. She is going with me.
Pioneer dvr-108,NEC 3540,BenQ 1640,LiteOn 1693S
Intel pentium D 930 oc to 4.2 ghz
2 gb ddr2 1066 mhz ram
geforce 7600GT
sb audigy 2 zs platnum
hardware mpeg2 encoder card

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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:21 am

congrats and good luck!
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